Standing Committees

Academic Standing Committee


Membership List Y22C

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 6)


  • Provost/Executive Vice President or designee, administrative officer
  • Vice President for Student Life or designee
  • Registrar
  • Six members of the teaching faculty elected for two-year terms, one from the College of Arts and Sciences and one from each of the schools into which the institution is organized, and two members-at-large from among the teaching faculty. Three members will be elected each year, with at-large members elected in different years. The committee will elect annually in May a chair from among these faculty members.
  • Representative appointed by and from the Academic Advising Office, ex officio, without vote
  • Two student members appointed by the President of the Student Government Association
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee


  • To periodically review standards for satisfactory academic performance by undergraduate students of the University
  • To periodically review academic standards for probationary status or suspension of undergraduate students whose work fails to meet these standards
  • To recommend an appeals procedure for undergraduate students contesting academic standing decisions
  • To establish procedures for the readmission of suspended undergraduate students
  • To periodically review the operation of the grading system and to propose changes that will provide for academic quality
  • To publish periodic reports of its work to the faculty
  • To advise on standards for making Dean’s list, Honors, and other academic programs and recognition for the undergraduate program
  • To consider special projects or policies as proposed by Academic Council
  • To evaluate the effect of curricular or program change on academic standing issues (e.g., Elon Core Curriculum changes, student body changes)
  • To periodically review the grade appeal process
  • None of the above duties of the committee will apply to the law school or graduate programs

Information for the Academic Standing Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

  • The University grading system
  • Academic standing decisions pertaining to undergraduate students and programs
  • Academic standards pertaining to undergraduate students and programs
  • Long term effects of academic standards pertaining to changes in the curriculum

Policies and Procedures

  1. The committee elects annually in May its chair from among the full-time teaching faculty members on the committee.
  2. As administrative officer of the committee, the Provost/Executive Vice President or designee handles all correspondence and conferences pertaining to committee recommendations and decisions, and convenes the entire committee when necessary as decided in conference with the chair.
  3. The requirements for suspension and probationary status are published in the University Catalog and the Student Handbook. Exceptions to these requirements are based on special circumstances. The committee reviews the list of probation and suspended students at the end of fall, winter, spring, and summer terms, and may review individual appeals at the request of the Provost/Executive Vice President or designee.
    • Academic standing requirements are applied to any student who has completed at least 12 semester hours. In order to continue at the University a student must earn a minimum grade point average each semester of 1.0 and at the end of the spring semester have a cumulative GPA of 1.70 for 1-29 semester hours, 1.80 for 30-61 semester hours, 1.90 for 62-95 semester hours, and 2.0 for 96 semester hours or more.
    • Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 are placed on probation. The third consecutive semester on probation will result in suspension. A first suspension is for a minimum of one full semester. A second suspension is normally permanent.
  1. Students may appeal committee recommendations and decisions to the Provost/Executive Vice President or designee who, in sensitive cases, will involve other committee members prior to making a decision.
  2. Readmission of students after an academic suspension is handled by the Provost/Executive Vice President Affairs or designee.

Methods of Reporting to the Campus Community

The committee chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.

Academic Technology and Computing Committee


Membership List Y25S

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 7)


  • Assistant Vice President for Technology/CIO
  • Dean and University Librarian or designee, without vote
  • Faculty Fellow for Technology, without vote
  • Seven faculty members: three from the College of Arts and Sciences (one from each division) and one each from Love School of Business, School of Communications, School of Education, and School of Health Sciences. Each member will serve a three-year term. To ensure membership continuity, membership is staggered in a three-year cycle:

Year One

    • One member from the division of Fine Arts and Humanities
    • One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
    • One member from the School of Health Sciences

Year Two

    • One member from the division of Social Sciences
    • One member from the School of Communications

Year Three

    • One member from the division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • One member from the School of Education

Further, the committee membership will annually elect a Chair-Elect from the first-year members at the final meeting. The Chair-Elect will assist the chair during the second year of service and then assume the responsibilities of Chairperson in the third year.

  • Two student members appointed annually
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee.


  • To make recommendations regarding improvement, extension, and development of the services and facilities provided to make computational and multimedia technologies available for academic use
  • To report to the faculty regarding the level of provision of educational technology to the academic community both in absolute terms and in comparative terms relative to other institution.
  • To serve as a liaison committee between the faculty, the students, and Instructional and Campus Technologies. The committee should also discuss administrative matters pertaining to the provision of suitable technological support of the academic function

Information for the Academic Technology and Computing Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is responsible for serving as a liaison between the faculty, the students, and Instructional and Campus Technologies (I&CT). The committee should also discuss administrative matters pertaining to the provision of suitable technological support of the academic function.

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee meetings will be convened by the Chair, at the convenience of the members, to meet the responsibility of the committee.
  • All decisions of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.

Admissions Committee


Membership List Y28M

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 8.)


  • Provost/Executive Vice President
  • Vice President of Admissions and Financial Planning, administrative officer
  • Registrar
  • Four faculty members, serving two-year terms, with two elected each year. The committee will elect annually in May a Chair from among these four faculty members.
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee


  • To recommend to the President standards for the admission of students to the University
  • To establish procedures for reviewing individual applications that are on the borderline of acceptability and collectively making decisions on acceptance
  • To publish periodic reports of its work to the faculty
  • None of the above duties will apply to the Law School.

Information for the Admissions Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is responsible for recommending University admission standards to the President; screening marginal applications; and analyzing admission trends.

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee meetings will be convened by the chair, at the convenience of the members, to meet the responsibilities of the committee.
  • Work of the committee includes the evaluation of marginal applications.
  • The Chair of the committee will be elected in May by committee members for the following academic year. The Chair will normally assume duties on June 1 and will serve for one year.
  • The Registrar will provide the committee with the data necessary for admissions trends analysis.
  • All decisions on committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.

Athletics Committee


Membership List Y29C

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 9.)


  • Director of Athletics, ex officio, without vote
  • Senior Associate Director of Athletics for Administration Compliance and Campus Relations, ex officio, without vote
  • Associate Athletics Director/Senior Woman Administrator, ex officio, without vote
  • Assistant Athletics Director/Director for Academic Support Services, ex officio, without vote
  • Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR), appointed by the University President, with vote
  • Six faculty members elected for three-year term, all with vote. Elections occur in three-year cycles:

Year One

    • One member from the School of Communications
    • One member from the College of Arts and Sciences

Year Two

    • One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
    • One member from the School of Education

Year Three

    • One member from the College of Arts and Sciences
    • One at-large member

The committee will elect a Chair in May from among these members.

  • Two student members including one student representative appointed by the President of the Student Government Association, with vote, and the President of the Elon University Student Athletic Advisory Council or his/her designated appointee from the SAAC Executive Committee, with vote.


  • To oversee the intercollegiate athletics program and make recommendations about its academic and fiscal integrity; gender equity, diversity and student athlete welfare; and athletics governance
  • To monitor adherence to approved Athletics Department gender equity and diversity plans
  • To serve as a liaison and provide faculty oversight of intercollegiate athletics and to report annually to Academic Council
  • To review and recommend guidelines regarding participation in and scheduling of intercollegiate athletics contests
  • To review and recommend general institutional guidelines for awarding, reducing, and terminating grants-in-aid
  • To review and make recommendations regarding the University’s athletics conference and to advise the Faculty Athletics Representative concerning institutional positions on NCAA and conference legislative matters
  • To review annually the Athletics Department’s progress toward meeting its established priorities and to advise the Athletics Director regarding priorities

Information for the Athletics Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The Athletics Committee provides oversight of the University’s athletics program, advises the President and Athletics Director in athletics governance, serves as a liaison to the faculty, and supports NCAA and conference rules compliance.

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee acts for the faculty in overseeing the intercollegiate athletics program.
  • The committee considers matters related to NCAA and the University’s athletics conference and confers with the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) about institutional positions on particular legislative concerns.
  • The committee recommends guidelines for scheduling intercollegiate contests.
  • The committee recommends general institutional guidelines for awarding, reducing, and terminating athletics grants-in-aid.
  • The committee monitors adherence to approved Athletics Department gender equity and diversity plans.
  • The FAR represents the committee as one of four official University delegates to the NCAA and the University’s athletics conference.
  • The committee advises the President on athletics issues upon request.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

Minutes of all meetings are submitted to Academic Council.

Curriculum Committee (University)


Membership List Y33S

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 10.)


  • Provost/Executive Vice President, or designee
  • Dean and University Librarian, without vote
  • Registrar, without vote
  • Director of the Elon Core Curriculum
  • Three elected teaching faculty members serving three-year terms, representing the College of Arts and Sciences, one each from Fine Arts and Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences
  • Four elected teaching faculty members serving three-year terms, representing the following schools: one each from the Love School of Business, the School of Communications, the School of Education, and the School of Health Sciences
  • Two at-large teaching faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences and one University wide at-large faculty member serving three-year terms, elected by the teaching faculty members
  • At least seven of the ten elected teaching faculty members must have achieved the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor
  • Faculty from the School of Law are excluded from service on this committee.


Elections of faculty members to the Curriculum Committee (University) will occur on a three-year cycle.

Year One

    • One member from Fine Arts and Humanities
    • One member from Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • One member from Social Sciences

Year Two

    • One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
    • One member from the School of Communications
    • One member from the School of Education
    • One member from the School of Health Sciences

Year Three

    • Two at-large members from Arts and Sciences
    • One at-large University-wide member

One of these elected representatives will be elected by the committee each May as Chair and one as Vice-Chair. Faculty members serving in these offices must have achieved the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor.


  • To study and make decisions, Subject to Article V, Section 2 of the Faculty Bylaws, in regard to all areas of the instructional program of Elon University, including the content, methods, and objectives of all courses and major fields of study. Proposals for new graduate programs are subject to the provisions of Procedures for Proposal of New Graduate Programs.
  • To evaluate proposed additions to or deletions from the curriculum and to approve curricular changes
  • To be responsible for periodic studies of the curriculum in order to provide an instructional program which is consistent with the aims and objectives of Elon University and which will meet the needs of the students who are currently enrolled
  • To review and make recommendations on major changes in curriculum in early planning stages
  • To review and make recommendations on all major grant proposals with curriculum implications
  • To review and approve independent major proposals submitted to the Director of the Elon Core Curriculum
  • To serve as the coordinating committee of the elected standing committees that deal directly with the curriculum (the Global Education Curriculum Committee, the Elon Core Curriculum Council, and the Graduate Council)
  • Upon receipt by the Chair of Academic Council of a written request, decisions made by the University Curriculum Committee will be subject to discussion and vote at the next scheduled faculty meeting. The request for a faculty vote must be signed by at least 15% of the fulltime teaching faculty and must be received by the Chair of Academic Council at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting of the full faculty. In that event, the decision made at the faculty meeting will take precedence.
  • None of the above duties of the committee will apply to the curriculum of the Law School, nor will the Law School faculty participate in the decisions of this committee.

Information for the Curriculum Committee (University)


Areas of Committee Concern

  • All areas of the instructional program of the University
  • Additions to or deletions from the curriculum
  • Periodic studies of the curriculum
  • Reviewing and recommending major curriculum changes
  • Reviewing and evaluating independent major proposals
  • Reviewing major grant proposal s with curriculum implications

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee meetings are usually scheduled by the chair at least once a month at a time convenient to committee members, unless committee business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The chair informs members of meetings at least one week in advance with a written agenda, materials to be discussed, and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • The Chair and Vice Chair are elected by majority vote of the committee each May. The Chair presides over the meetings and reviews the agenda with the Provost/Executive Vice President prior to distribution. In the event of the Chair’s absence, the Vice Chair will assume the duties of Chair of the University Curriculum Committee
  • All decisions on committee business are made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of members present.
  • A quorum consists of a majority of the committee’s voting membership.
  • The chair of any department or program coordinator making a proposal is expected to attend even if that chair or coordinator is not a member of the committee.
  • The Chair of the committee may solicit the attendance of other faculty who are not committee members. Any other faculty members with significant relationships to the proposal(s) under consideration may request the permission of the Chair to attend.
  • The Chair appoints another committee member to be responsible for recording the minutes of each meeting.
  • The committee oversees curriculum and curriculum changes (Procedures for Undergraduate Curriculum Development and Curriculum Proposals and Procedures for Graduate Curriculum Development and Program Proposals.)
  • On curriculum proposals involving more than one department, the committee may conduct inter-departmental or faculty-wide forums.
  • For interdisciplinary proposals (majors or minors not housed in academic departments) the principal advocate for the proposal fulfills the role of Department Chair in the curricular review process. That advocate’s academic dean represents the administration in the conference committee and at Curriculum Committee meetings in which the proposal is discussed. Upon approval of a new interdisciplinary program (a new minor or major), the proposer’s academic dean will appoint a faculty coordinator for the academic program. The proposer/coordinator’s affiliated School or Division Curriculum Committee will assume responsibility for reviewing an interdisciplinary proposal unless otherwise directed by the dean representing the proposal.
  • For independent major proposals, the Chair, in consultation with the Director of Elon Core Curriculum, will appoint an ad-hoc subcommittee of three members. This subcommittee must include at least one member from the University Curriculum Committee and may not include any members from the student’s interdisciplinary committee of three professors. Approval by this subcommittee will constitute approval of the proposal.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

  1. The committee can decide by majority vote to take one of the following actions on any proposal being considered:
  • Approve the item and forward it to the President
  • Approve the item, but because of its significance or potential impact on other schools, departments, or programs, decide to forward it to the faculty as a whole. Proposals for new graduate programs will follow this procedure (see Procedures for Proposal of New Graduate Programs.
  • Not approve the item and send it back to the department(s)
  • Delay the item for further consideration
  1. The minutes of each committee meeting will be disseminated to the faculty and staff in a timely fashion, either on the Web, through e-mail, and/or in printed copy.

Curriculum Committees (School and Division-Based)


Membership List

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 10.)

Defining the Curriculum Committees

  • Three division-based curriculum committees will be created in the College of Arts and Sciences, one each for Fine Arts and Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.
  • School-based curriculum committees will be created for each of the schools (the Love School of Business, the School of Communications, the School of Education, and the School of Health Sciences).

Membership of Curriculum Committees

Membership of each committee will be determined by the school or division in question. In doing so, these guiding principles will be followed:

  • The committee will include the Academic Dean or his/her designee.
  • The committee will consist of at least five elected teaching faculty members.
  • The committee will be chaired by one of the elected representatives.


  • To evaluate proposed additions to or deletions from the curriculum in departments or majors located in their school or division and to report to the University Curriculum Committee recommendations for curricular changes
  • To study and make decisions regarding minor changes (those designated as reportable items) to the curriculum in departments or majors located in their school or division
  • Upon the request of any member of the University Curriculum Committee, any decision made by a school- or division-based curriculum committee will be subject to discussion and vote at the next scheduled University Curriculum Committee meeting. In that event, the decision made by the University Curriculum Committee will take precedence.
  • To ensure that proper consultation with the appropriate Deans, Department Chairs, and Curriculum Committee Chairs has occurred on any and all grant proposals that have implications for other divisions, schools, or colleges
  • To ensure that proper consultation with the appropriate Deans, Department Chairs, and Curriculum Committee Chairs has occurred on any and all curriculum proposals that have implications for other divisions, schools, or colleges

Information for the Curriculum Committees (School and Division-Based)


Areas of Committee Concern

  • Areas of the instructional program of the University relevant to the school or division in question
  • Additions to or deletions from the curriculum in areas relevant to the school or division in question
  • Reviewing and recommending major curriculum changes to the University Curriculum Committee
  • Reviewing major grant proposals with curriculum implications in areas relevant to the school or division in question

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee meetings are usually scheduled by the Chair at least once a month at a time convenient to committee members, unless committee business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The Chair informs members of meetings at least one week in advance with a written agenda, materials to be discussed, and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • The Chair is elected by majority vote of the committee each May. The chair presides over the meetings and reviews the agenda with the Academic Dean prior to distribution.
  • All decisions on committee business are made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of members present.
  • A quorum consists of a majority of the committee’s voting membership.
  • The chair of any department or program coordinator making a proposal is expected to attend even if that chair or coordinator is not a member of the committee.
  • The Chair of the committee may solicit the attendance of other faculty who are not committee members. Any other faculty members with significant relationships to the proposal(s) under consideration may request the permission of the chair to attend.
  • The Chair appoints another committee member to be responsible for recording the minutes of each meeting.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

  1. The committee can decide by majority vote on any proposal before it to take one of the following actions:
    • Approve the item and forward it to the University Curriculum Committee
    • Approve items involving minor changes (those designated as reportable items), and report that approval to the University Curriculum Committee
    • Not approve the item and send it back to the department(s)
    • Delay the item for further consideration
  1. The minutes of each committee meeting will be disseminated to the faculty and staff in a timely fashion, either on the Web, through e-mail, and/or in printed copy.

Elon Core Curriculum Council


Membership List Y26P

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 11.)


  • Director of the Elon Core Curriculum
  • Members of the teaching faculty elected for three-year terms, one from each of the divisions and schools into which the departments are organized, except the Law School, and two at- large from among the teaching faculty. At-large members must represent different divisions. Elections to the Elon Core Curriculum Council occur in a three-year cycle:

Year One

    • One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
    • One member from the School of Communications
    • One at-large member

Year Two

    • One member from Fine Arts and Humanities
    • One member from Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • One member from Social Sciences

Year Three

    • One member from the School of Education
    • One at-large member

The Elon Core Curriculum Council will elect annually in May a Chair from among the eight teaching faculty members.

  • Two student members elected for two-year terms, one elected each year
  • Writing Across the Curriculum Director, ex officio
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee.


  • To advise the Director of the Elon Core Curriculum in implementation of the core curriculum program
  • To work in consultation with the departments to insure that department courses satisfactorily meet Core Curr iculum requirements
  • To provide leadership in creating, modeling, and promoting effective teaching meth ods for Core Curriculum courses
  • To develop and implement assessment criteria and procedures to evaluate courses, student development, and the progress o f the Core Curriculum itself
  • To promote the goals of Core Curriculum across campus
  • To review periodically and make recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee for curricular changes in the core curriculum
  • To approve petitions from departments not included in liberal studies for acceptance for one semester of an appropriate class for credit in the Core Curriculum at the advanced (300-400) level
  • To approve petitions from departments for acceptance of courses ca rrying a Core Curriculum prefix
  • To plan, implement, and review Core Curriculum seminars (first year foundations and advanced)

Information for the Elon Core Curriculum Council


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is concerned with evaluating, revising, and implementing a viable Core Curriculum component of the curriculum.

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee meetings will be convened by the Chair, at the convenience of the members, to meet the responsibility of the committee.
  • All decisions of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.
  • The committee meets regularly to discuss proposals for core curriculum seminars, other Core Curriculum course proposals, and proposed alteration to current requirements.
  • The committee recommends to the curriculum committee changes requiring faculty action.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.

Faculty Research and Development Committee


Membership List Y29W

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 12.)


  • Teaching faculty members elected for two-year terms. In odd numbered years one member will be elected from each of the divisions and schools, except the Law School. Four at-large members will be elected in even numbered years. The committee will elect annually in May a chair from among these teaching faculty members.
  • Provost/Executive Vice President, or his/her designee
  • Director of Sponsored Programs, without vote
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee


  • To develop and recommend to the President polic y regarding faculty development
  • To help monitor the effectiveness of such policies
  • To plan and help coordinate workshops, seminars, or other individual proposals related to faculty development
  • To devise criteria for the administration and evaluation of individual proposals related to faculty development
  • To receive, evaluate, and approve such proposal s
  • To receive, study, and evaluate proposals for research and advanced study submitted by members of the faculty, and approve those proposals which, in the judgment of the committee, shou ld receive financial assistance
  • To receive, study, and evaluate requests for sabbatical leaves and approve those requests that, in the judgment of the committee, should be granted
  • To form a subcommittee, composed of teaching faculty from both the FR&D Committee and the broader University, to select the recipient of Elon’s Distinguished Scholar Award
  • None of the above duties will apply to the Law School.

Information for the Faculty Research and Development Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is concerned with evaluating and recommending action on teaching faculty development activities, including proposals for research and advanced study, sabbatical leaves, and doctoral programs. The committee also oversees annual selection of the Elon Distinguished Scholar.

Policies and Procedures

  • The Chair is elected each May by the committee. The Chair assumes duties about June 1 and serves for one year.
  • Faculty members will be ineligible for funding from this committee during the terms of their service on the committee.
  • Committee meetings are scheduled by the Chair once a month at a time convenient to committee members, unless committee business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The Chair informs members of meetings at least one week in advance and provides a written agenda and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • The Chair presides at all meetings unless he/she appoints a proxy in his/her absence.
  • The Chair appoints another committee member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  • All decisions on committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum consists of a majority of the committee membership.
  • The Chair reports the committee’s decisions for sabbatical and other funding promptly to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, who then notifies the faculty members, department chairs and the academic council as necessary.
  • The Chair is responsible for completing all reports of committee business and submitting them to the Provost/Executive Vice President at the end of each academic year as necessary.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The committee chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.

Global Education Curriculum Committee


Membership List Y32X

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 13)


  • Dean of Global Studies, the Director of Study Abroad, and the Director of Domestic Programs, ex-officio, without vote
  • Assistant Dean of Global Education, ex-officio, without vote
  • Members of the teaching faculty elected for staggered three-year terms with three members elected each year as follows:

Year One

    • One member from Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • One member from Fine Arts and Humanities
    • One member from Social Sciences

Year Two

    • One member from the School of Business
    • One member from the School of Communications
    • One member at-large from the teaching faculty or support staff with faculty rank (The two at-large members must represent different divisions/schools)

Year Three

    • One member from the School of Education
    • One member from the School of Health Sciences
    • One member at-large from the teaching faculty or support staff with faculty rank (The two at-large members must represent different divisions/schools)

All members will have experience teaching a study abroad or Study USA course at Elon. Each May the committee will elect a chair from among the nine teaching faculty members.

Faculty from the School of Law are excluded from service on this committee.

  • Director of the Elon Core Curriculum, ex officio, with vote
  • Two student members, with study abroad experience or Study USA, elected annually by the Student Government Association
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee.


  • To promote the goals of global education
  • To develop and apply criteria and procedures for reviewing and approving global education program proposals by Elon faculty
  • To work in consultation with faculty and departments on the development of global education courses
  • To review periodically and to make recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee for general curricular changes in the Elon global education program
  • To promote the integration of global education experiences with other components of the academic programs of Elon University
  • To work in collaboration with the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center on developing and conducting assessments to evaluate credit-earning Elon global education courses and programs, including both academic and the development of intercultural competence
  • To work in collaboration with the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center on reviewing and evaluating relevant programmatic aspects of the Elon University global education program
  • To consult with the Dean of Global Studies on the implementation of the Elon global education program

Information for the Global Education Curriculum Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is concerned with promoting, evaluating, and refining a strong global education component of the curriculum (Study Abroad and Study USA).

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee members will be convened by the Chair, at the convenience of the members, to meet the responsibility of the committee.
  • The committee meets regularly to discuss proposals for global education programs, revisions to current requirements, and other relevant programmatic issues of concern to the Dean or committee.
  • The committee recommends to the University Curriculum Committee changes requiring faculty action.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Chair of the Global Education Curriculum Committee will submit a written annual report to Academic Council and, on matters the committee deems to be of general concern, will request to report directly to the faculty.

Graduate Council


Membership List Y34P

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 14.)


  • Provost/Executive Vice President, or designee
  • Director of each graduate program, except the Law School, without vote
  • Associate Dean for Admissions and Administration for the Law School, or designee, ex officio, without vote
  • Director of Graduate Admissions, or designee, ex-officio, without vote
  • Dean and University Librarian, ex-officio, without vote
  • Registrar, or designee, ex-officio, without vote
  • Three elected teaching faculty members serving three-year terms, representing the College of Arts and Sciences, one each from the Fine Arts and Humanities, Math and Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Must have achieved the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor.
  • Four elected teaching faculty members serving three-year terms, representing the following schools, one each from the Love School of Business, the School of Communications, the School of Education, and the School of Health Sciences. Must have achieved the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor.
  • Two at-large teaching faculty members serving three-year terms, elected by the teaching faculty members. At-large members must represent different divisions or schools and be elected in alternate years.
  • Elections to the Graduate Council occur on a three-year cycle. In the first year of the cycle representatives from the College of Arts and Sciences will be elected. In the second year of the cycle, representatives from the schools will be elected. In the final year of the cycle, at-large representatives will be elected. At the May meeting, one of these elected representatives will be elected by the committee as Chair.


  • To evaluate proposed additions to or deletions from the graduate curriculum and to approve graduate curricular changes
  • To review proposals for new graduate programs and to report to the University Curriculum Committee recommendations on those proposals
  • To recommend standards for admission and retention of students in graduate programs
  • To develop and recommend policy with regard to graduate programs
  • To recommend academic support and student services pertinent to graduate students
  • To be responsible for periodic review of the graduate curriculum in order to provide an instructional program that is consistent with the aims and objectives of the Elon University Graduate Program Mission Statement  and that will meet the needs of the students who are currently enrolled
  • To publish an annual report of its work to the faculty
  • None of the above duties of the committee will apply to the curriculum of the Law School, nor will the Law School faculty participate in the decisions of this committee.

Information for the Graduate Council


Areas of Committee Concern

  • Overseeing all areas of the graduate program of the University, with the exception the Law School
  • Approving additions to or deletions from the graduate curriculum, with the exception of the Law School
  • Reviewing and recommending new graduate programs
  • Upholding the Elon University Graduate Program Mission Statement 

Policies and Procedures

  • The Chair of the committee schedules committee meetings at a time convenient to the majority of the committee members. Meetings usually occur at least once a month but may occur more frequently if necessary.
  • The Chair of the committee informs members of meetings at least one week in advance with a written agenda, materials to be discussed, and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • At the May meeting, one of the elected representatives will be elected by the committee as Chair. The Chair presides over the meetings and reviews the agenda with the Provost/Executive Vice President (or designee) prior to distribution.
  • All decisions of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedures and a majority vote of the voting members present.
  • A quorum consists of a majority of the committee’s voting membership.
  • The Dean making a proposal is expected to attend the meeting when the proposal is formally presented and discussed.
  • The Chair of the committee may solicit the attendance of other faculty who are not committee members. Any other faculty members with significant relationships to the proposal(s) under consideration may request the permission of the chair to attend.
  • The Chair appoints another committee member to be responsible for recording the minutes of each meeting.
  • Graduate program and curriculum proposals must conform to the graduate curriculum and curriculum changes procedures and timetable outlined in Procedures for Proposal of New Graduate Programs.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

  • Graduate Curriculum Proposals. The committee can decide on any graduate curriculum proposal before it to take one of the following actions:
    • Approve the item and forward it to the President.
    • Approve the item, but because of its significance or potential impact on the undergraduate curriculum, decide to forward it to the University Curriculum Committee for approval.
    • Not approve the item and send it back to the school/department(s)
    • Delay the item for further consideration
  • Graduate Program Proposals. The committee can decide to take one of the following actions on any graduate program proposal being considered:
    • Recommend to approve the item and forward it to the University Curriculum Committee.
    • Recommend not to approve the item and forward it to the University Curriculum Committee.
  • Request for Faculty Vote. Upon receipt by the Chair of Academic Council of a written request, decisions made by Graduate Council will be subject to discussion and vote at the next scheduled faculty meeting. The request for a faculty vote must be signed by at least 15% of the fulltime teaching faculty and must be received by the Chair of Academic Council at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting of the full faculty. In that event, the decision made at the faculty meeting will take precedence.
  • Minutes. The minutes of each committee meeting will be disseminated to the faculty and staff in a timely fashion, either on the Web, through e-mail, and/or in printed copy.

Library Committee


Membership List Y23X

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 15.)


  • Dean and University Librarian
  • Six at-large teaching faculty members, three elected each year for a two-year term. Annually in May, the committee will elect a Chair from among these six teaching faculty members
  • Two student members elected for a one-year term
  • Associate Dean for Library and Information Services for the Law School or his/her designee, without vote


  • To serve as a liaison committee between the faculty, the students, and the librarian and to discuss administrative matters pertaining to the library and make recommendations for the best possible library services
  • To develop and recommend policy with regard to t he library and library services
  • To allocate funds for each department from the budget provided for the purchase of library materials; to evaluate requests for expenditures not provided for in the budget; to make recommen dations regarding such requests
  • To make recommendations regarding improvement, extension, and development of the services and facilities of the library

Information for the Library Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is concerned with the University library, student use of the facilities and materials, and the development of the collection of materials contained in the facilities.

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets annually to consider and approve the allocation to the academic departments of funds appropriated for the acquisition of library materials.
  • All decisions of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.
  • The committee elects annually in May its Chair from among the full-time teaching faculty members on the committee.
  • The committee meets regularly to discuss existing and proposed public service policies and make recommendations regarding those policies to the Dean and University Librarian.
  • The committee evaluates special needs for materials to support new or existing courses or programs and makes recommendations regarding the appropriation of acquisition funds to meet those needs.
  • The committee evaluates specific needs of the library and makes recommendations regarding those needs to the Provost/Executive Vice President.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

  • The committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.
  • Copies of committee actions on the appropriation of funds will be mailed to Department Chairs shortly after they have been approved.

Post-Probationary Faculty Development Review Committee


Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 16)


The Post-Probationary Faculty Development Review Committee will consist of seven post-probationary teaching faculty members, all holding the rank of full professor, associate professor or senior lecturer, with vote, and the Senior Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs without vote.

Of the seven faculty members, at least five will hold the rank of Professor. The remaining two may hold the rank of Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor.

Members will serve two-year terms with no person serving more than two consecutive terms, nor more than three terms within a ten-year period. Members will be elected annually on a two-year cycle. All committee members must be eligible to receive the base support for their rank and may not apply for a competitive award during their term.

Ex Officio, No Vote

  • Provost/Executive Vice President, or his/her designee

Year One

  • Two members from Elon College, The College of Arts and Sciences
  • One member from a professional school
  • One at-large member

Year Two

  • One member from Elon College, The College of Arts and Sciences
  • Two members from professional schools

A Chair will be elected from and by the membership of the committee. Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee.


  • To devise criteria for the administration and evaluation of individual proposals related to reassigned time faculty awards
  • To receive, evaluate, and approve such proposals

Information for the Post-Probationary Faculty Development Review Support Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

  • Recommending faculty members to receive the competitive support for their rank

Policies and Procedures

  1. The Chair is elected each May by the committee. The Chair assumes duties about June 1 and serves for one year.
  2. The committee meets during Planning week to review procedures, complete any unfinished business, and consider any recommendations relating to the committee's work for the coming academic year.
  3. The committee reviews procedures, criteria, and policies at the first meeting, and any areas of committee concern will be discussed.
  4. Faculty members will be ineligible to be reviewed for competitive faculty supports during the terms of their service on the committee.
  5. The Provost/Executive Vice President, or designee, makes the faculty applications available to the committee.
  6. Committee meetings are scheduled by the Chair to review the applications.
  7. The committee will first review applications from full professors and will then review the remaining applications.
  8. The Chair informs committee members of meetings in advance and provides a list of applications to be reviewed. The chair also provides a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  9. The Chair presides at all meetings.
  10. The Chair appoints another committee member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  11. All decisions on committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure. To receive competitive supports, a faculty application must receive at least 5 affirmative votes.
  12. The Senior Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs reports the committee's decisions for faculty support to the appropriate dean, who will notify the faculty and department chairs.
  13. The Chair is responsible for completing all reports of committee business and submitting them to Academic Council at the end of each academic year as necessary.

Methods of Reporting to the Campus Community

The committee chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, Academic Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.

Promotion and Tenure Committee


Membership List Y24K.

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 16)


The Promotion and Tenure Committee will consist of nine post-probationary teaching faculty members, at least four of whom will be full professors. Of the nine, at least four will be tenured, and all will hold the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor. Members will serve two-year terms with no person serving more than two consecutive terms, nor more than three terms within a ten year period. Members will be elected annually on a two-year cycle.

Year One

  • One member from Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • One member from Social Sciences
  • One member from the School of Communications
  • One at-large member from the College of Arts and Sciences

Year Two

  • One member from Fine Arts and Humanities
  • One member from the School of Education
  • One member from the School of Health Sciences
  • One member from the Love School of Business
  • One at-large member

A Chair will be elected from and by the membership of the committee. Faculty members will be ineligible for promotion or tenure while serving on this committee. Faculty members will be ineligible for service on this committee the year following their promotion or tenure applications. Faculty of the Law School are excluded f rom service on this committee.


  • To receive from the Provost/Executive Vice President a list of faculty members who are eligible for promotion in rank and/or tenure
  • To consider each eligible faculty member who applies for promotion and/or tenure based on the portfolio provided to the committee by the candidate and in accordance with University policies. Members from a candidate’s department serving on Promotion and Tenure may engage in the deliberations of Promotion and Tenure related to the candidate; however, they may not write a letter for inclusion in a candidate’s application materials while on Promotion and Tenure.
  • To submit to the Provost/Executive Vice President of the University recommendations for the next academic year no later than December 31 of each year and prior to meeting with the Provost/Executive Vice President and each candidate’s Dean
  • To meet with the Provost/Executive Vice President and each candidate’s Dean to discuss the recommendation for each candidate and the rationale for the recommendation
  • After notification of Promotion and Tenure decisions, to make available to any eligible faculty member upon request, through the Provost/Executive Vice President, its recommendations concerning the faculty member and an explanation of th e basis for that recommendation
  • None of the above duties of the committee will apply to the promotions and tenure of the faculty of the School of Law.

Information for the Promotion and Tenure Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

  • Recommending faculty members for promotion in academic rank
  • Recommending the granting of tenure

Policies and Procedures

  1. The present Chair calls a meeting after the faculty elections.
  2. The members of the new committee elect a Chair and a Secretary who will keep minutes of each meeting.
  3. The committee reviews procedures and policies at the first meeting, and any areas of committee concern will be discussed.
  4. The committee meets during orientation week to review procedures, complete any unfinished business, and consider any recommendations relating to the committee's work for the coming academic year.
  5. The Provost/Executive Vice President provides information for the committee.
  6. The Provost/Executive Vice President and Committee Chair meet with eligible faculty members to discuss procedures and policies regarding tenure and promotion.
  7. The Provost/Executive Vice President notifies department members the first time they are eligible for promotion and when they are scheduled for decisions on tenure, with copies of the letter sent to the Department Chair and Dean. The Provost/Executive Vice President requests that recommendations be forwarded to his/her office.
  8. The Provost/Executive Vice President forwards to the Committee Chair the list of faculty members to be considered for promotion and/or tenure.
  9. The Provost/Executive Vice President meets with the committee to discuss procedures and policies related to promotion and tenure.
  10. The Provost/Executive Vice President makes the tenure/ promotion files available to the committee.
  11. The committee determines the order in which candidates will be considered. Voting is done by secret ballot and a super majority (six of nine members) is required for a positive recommendation to the Provost/Executive Vice President.
  12. Committee members evaluate each faculty member using the Criteria for Evaluation. Each committee member formulates judgments and discusses evaluations with the committee.
  13. The chair submits the recommendations of the committee directly to the Provost/Executive Vice President by January 10. The Provost/Executive Vice President and the committee meet to discuss the substance of the deliberations that led to the specific recommendations.
  14. Upon request from the Provost/Executive Vice President, the chair provides information regarding the reasons for the committee’s recommendations.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.

Religious and Spiritual Life Committee


Membership List Y27A

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 17.)


  • University Chaplain
  • Nine at-large faculty members, serving three-year terms, with three appointed each year of a three-year cycle. The Committee on Committees invites the Chaplain's office to nominate up to two faculty members for consideration each year. The Religious and Spiritual Life Committee will elect annually in May a Chair from among these nine faculty members.
  • Two to four student members, serving staggered two-year terms, elected by the faculty members of the Religious and Spiritual Life Committee.
  • Two to four student members, serving staggered two-year terms elected by the SGA.
  • This committee may supplement faculty and/or student membership by electing non-voting members.


To exercise an overall concern for the religious and spiritual life of the University and to advise the University Chaplain on needs in this area of campus life. To develop ideas, recommendations and programs that support spiritual development and education broadly across campus. To assist chaplain and Truitt Center staff in communicating and implementing efforts to encourage dialog and engagement with religious and spiritual life matters to support multi-faith and inclusive community initiatives.

Information for the Religious and Spiritual Life Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee focuses on the religious and spiritual needs and well-being of the entire campus community, regardless of individual beliefs and world views, and in particular on

  • Organized religious and spiritual life on campus
  • Worship services, observances, and additional religious and spiritual programs
  • Religious and spiritual care to include guidance, growth, and support of all individuals in the campus community
  • Policies related to religious and spiritual life on campus

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets on a regular basis with the University Chaplain who serves as an ex-officio member.
  • Although the official membership of the committee consists of nine faculty members and four to eight students, every effort is made to involve additional interested faculty members and students.
  • Every effort is made by the committee to promote multi-faith understanding, cooperation, communication, and community.
  • The committee elects its Chair each May from among the faculty membership.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

  • The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.
  • Activities and functions of the committee are also recorded as minutes of each meeting and disseminated to the Elon community.

Student Life Committee


Membership List Y34H

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 18.)


  • Four faculty members, serving two-year terms with two elected each year. The committee will elect annually a Chair from among these four faculty members.
  • Four student members appointed to two-year terms by the President of the Student Government Association. Student membership should reflect the variety of experiences and perspectives found in the student body. The committee will elect annually a Vice Chair from the student members.
  • Vice President for Student Life, ex officio. The Dean will serve as Secretary to the committee.
  • President of the Student Government Association, ex officio
  • Director of Student Activities


  • To advise and assist the Vice President for Student Life and Student Organizations
  • To review extracurricular student activities and organizations periodically
  • To recommend changes in policy and procedures affecting student life to the faculty and/or administration of the University
  • To recommend to the Vice President for Student Life the bylaws of all new student organizations
  • To promote more effective communication among the several campus constituencies in connection with student development and/or student life

Information for the Student Life Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

  • Student extracurricular activities and organizations
  • Policies and procedures affecting student life
  • Communication among the student body, faculty and administration

Policies and Procedures

  • The newly elected faculty members and newly elected SGA President will meet with the returning members of the committee in the spring to discuss appointment of new student members and to elect a Faculty Chair. One of the student members will serve as Vice-Chair.
  • The Chair establishes the agenda in consultation with the Vice President for Student Life.
  • The committee meets regularly to advise the Vice President for Student Life and Student Government President.
  • The committee reviews the by-laws of new student organizations and makes recommendations to the Vice President for Student Life concerning recognition of such groups.
  • The committee reviews all major changes in rules and regulations affecting the extracurricular life of students and proposes new or revised rules and regulations to the faculty and/or administration for approval.
  • The committee may elect to review the activities of existing student organizations toward the end of making recommendations for revision or improvement.
  • Periodically the committee expands its membership and serves as an open forum so as to expedite communication among the members of the student body, the faculty, staff, and administration. When it does this, it promotes the discussion of ideas, opportunities, programs, and complaints and recommends studies to appropriate agencies, offices, or people.
  • The Vice-Chair of the committee serves as Secretary of the committee and keeps records of the meetings.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.