Continuance Decision Review


The continuance decision review occurs during the fourth year for all librarians. The decision to grant a continuing contract rests with the President. Results are forwarded from the Dean and University Librarian or supervising Dean to the candidate and also are placed in the candidate’s personnel file. Upon a favorable decision, librarians will receive a two-year annually renewable contract. Those candidates not offered continuing appointment may be given a one-year contract with no guarantee of reemployment.

The evaluation system for librarian continuance during the fourth year involves five stages:

Stage 1 involves the creation of a file consisting of material drawn from the faculty personnel file as well as additional information included by the candidate. It is the responsibility of the individual candidate to see that the file is in finished form by September 15 so that Stage 2 may proceed.

Stage 2 involves the evaluation of this file by the Dean and University Librarian.

Stage 3 involves a recommendation on continuance by the Dean and University Librarian to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Stage 4 involves a recommendation on continuance by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs to the President.

Stage 5 involves a decision on continuance by the President of the University.