Section 4: Commitment to community

A.  Community Responsibility

As a learning community, the Honor Code – a commitment to living with honesty, integrity, responsibility, and respect – helps guide standards for behavior on the basis of shared values and principles.  Maintaining a vibrant learning environment that supports all members of our community requires students to make ethical decisions while taking personal and social responsibility for their actions.  Each member of the University community bears responsibility for their conduct, reasonably holding others responsible for their actions, and refraining from actions that impair the university’s purpose or its reputation. When a student’s behavior is not consistent with our community standards, the University will respond and hold a student accountable for violations of the code of conduct.

The Honor System and procedures to address alleged violations of the Code of Conduct exist to protect the interests of the community, challenge those whose behavior is not aligned with community standards as reflected in university policies, and hold them accountable for those actions. Sanctions are intended to challenge students’ moral and ethical decision-making and help them bring their behavior into accord with our community expectations. When unable to live according to community expectations, the student conduct process may determine that students should no longer share in the privilege of participating in this community.

B. Alcohol Use

Elon University Position Statement on Alcohol Use (revised Spring 2016): Elon University recognizes alcohol misuse negatively impacts the community, personal well-being, and academic achievement. Therefore, our position on alcohol is one of education and accountability. We expect students to uphold the Honor Code and make wise and healthy decisions about alcohol use, including the choice not to drink. Students whose behaviors diminish the success or safety of themselves or others will be held accountable.

The vitality of the academic community relies on each member taking personal responsibility for his or her actions regarding alcohol use and safeguarding the well-being of others. 

  • The University welcomes and supports the decision of students not to drink.
  • Elon emphasizes education about risks, choices and personal responsibility regarding the use of alcohol. Students are expected to make conscious choices that do not diminish the academic or social success, or personal safety, of themselves or others.
  • The University observes laws regarding alcohol use, particularly those that address underage drinking, and holds students accountable for their choices.
  • Students whose drinking creates a risk of danger to the health and safety of themselves or others are subject to suspension and/or loss of other University privileges.

Alcoholic beverages may be possessed and/or consumed only by individuals 21 years of age or older in their residence or an approved location.


Innocent Bystander Policy:  Elon understands and supports students being social and wanting to spend time with each other. This may lead to situations where underage students are in the presence of alcohol possession and/or use that violates University policy. In order to hold the responsible students accountable, while supporting those who are not violating policies, the Innocent Bystander policy may be enacted at the time alcohol policy violations are identified. Students in the presence of alcohol policy violations will not be charged with an alcohol policy violation if either of the following is included in the incident report:

(a)    there is no physical indication the student has been drinking (slurred speech, odor of alcohol, bloodshot eyes, etc.), AND a reasonable number of students take responsibility and attest the student is not in violation, or

(b)   the student requests and passes an “Alco-Sensor” test at the time of the incident.


See specific policies on alcohol use in Section 5.C. – CODE OF CONDUCT – for more information


C.  Drug Use

Elon University is committed to the intellectual and personal development of students. Substance misuse inhibits students’ development and is negatively correlated with academic success and personal safety.   


Elon University observes and strictly enforces all local, state and federal laws related to possession, use, sale, manufacturing or distribution of controlled or illegal substances.  Sale, manufacturing, or distribution of illegal or controlled substances or for uses other than as intended creates a significant danger for the Elon University community.  Individuals who are involved in any drug-related violation are subject to criminal action, as the University may report these individuals to the legal authorities. Students convicted of any offense involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance may also be deemed ineligible to receive financial aid.


Students are accountable for upholding Elon University’s drug policies even when in states or countries in which certain drugs have been decriminalized or consumption is legal. 


Though some impairing substances may be legal to purchase in North Carolina or other states, Elon University prohibits possession and/or use of these substances by Elon students.  Students are responsible for knowing, understanding, and following the University’s drug policies state, and federal laws.  Find more information and read Elon’s Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Report at: (See specific policies on drug use in section 5.C. – CODE OF CONDUCT – for more information.)


D.  Safety Policies

Elon embraces students helping each other and holds student safety as a primary value.  There are two policies in place to encourage and support students seeking appropriate medical care for themselves or others.  Please see the following safety policies:


The Good Samaritan Policy is enacted when a student is actively seeking appropriate medical care for another student. If a student is with another student “in danger” or “of concern” and calls for medical aid they will not be held accountable for violating the University alcohol or drug use policies. Students should call for help and NOT drive anyone in need of medical attention. Students with or observing a student “in danger” are expected to seek medical attention. If a student is with another student who may be in danger due to use of alcohol or other drugs and does not call for assistance, they may be held accountable with strict sanctions for “Behavior that Endangers the Health or Safety of Self and/or Others.” 
The Medical Safety Policy is enacted for a student receiving medical attention related to consumption of alcohol and other drugs, when either 1) the student has called for medical attention for self or 2) another person actively assisting the student calls for medical attention.  This policy is intended to encourage early identification and intervention for potential medical emergencies. 
When an individual receives emergency medical attention related to their consumption of alcohol or drugs, the student will be required to immediately complete a substance abuse assessment within a reasonable amount of time as determined by the Office of Student Conduct or the Office of the Dean of Students (typically 24-72 hours) and participate in any recommended treatment.  
As a part of the conduct process, and provided that this is the student’s first violation of the Code of Conduct and the incident did not include any other egregious code of conduct violations, the student will not be subject to disciplinary suspension as a result of the policy violation but will be assigned an Official Warning and required to complete appropriate educational and treatment recommendations.  If the student is on an active disciplinary probation, that status will be extended and not elevated.   
Failure to complete the elements of the Medical Safety Policy will limit the student’s continued eligibility.  If there is a subsequent hospitalization, the University will review the incident on a case-by-case basis and reserves the right to handle each situation as deemed necessary.
This policy does not apply for situations where a medical attention is sought following the arrival of a police officer, university security authority (including student staff serving in an authority role), or any university faculty or staff.
Elon University recognizes substance use disorders as serious health issues.  Students who voluntarily disclose prohibited personal use of alcohol or other drugs as they seek appropriate assistance or guidance related to assessment and treatment for substance misuse will not be charged with an Honor Code violation. The university will respond to such disclosures as a health condition and not a disciplinary matter.   In some cases, students may be required to complete a substance abuse assessment and treatment or education recommendation in order to address health and safety risks.  However, such disclosure will also not exonerate a student from responsibility associated with a reported incident.

Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence

E.  Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence

Elon University has an obligation to ensure learning and working environments that are free from discrimination or harassment.  Under the authority of the university Title IX Coordinator, the University has procedures in place to receive, investigate, respond to and resolve complaints of discrimination, including harassment based on sex. For more information on reporting incidents of sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence, please consult the Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy at Violations of the Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy are violations of the Code of Conduct.

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