Section 8: Withdrawal from the University

Alleged violations of federal, state and local laws may be investigated and addressed under the code of conduct. When an offense occurs over which the University has authority, the University conduct process will usually go forward notwithstanding any criminal complaint that may arise from the same incident.


A.  Interim Administrative Actions


In extreme cases, prompt and decisive action may be required before there is an opportunity to conduct a hearing, as in cases where the student’s continued presence on campus may impede the orderly functioning of the university or constitutes an immediate threat to the well-being or property of the university community. The president, provost, vice president for business, finance or technology, vice president for student life, or persons functioning under their authority may carry out that immediate directive.  Potential administrative actions pending the outcome of a student conduct process may include any combination of (but not limited to): re-assignment of residential housing assignment; immediate removal from campus owned operated housing; restricted access to campus facilities, services operations and activities; removal from a study abroad or study USA course; or involuntary withdrawal/interim suspension.


Students shall have a prompt meeting with the associate vice president for student life/dean of students or the assistant dean of students (or designee) to review the behavior that forms the basis for the administrative action. This meeting will clarify the process required to resolve the allegation.


B.  Withdrawal in Lieu of a Hearing

Under certain conditions, the associate vice president for Student Life/dean of students (or designee) may allow a student charged with violating the code of conduct to withdraw from the university rather than face a student conduct hearing. Students may not withdraw in lieu of a hearing or pending a hearing in Title IX / sexual misconduct cases. A student must request to withdraw in lieu of a hearing, stipulate that the petition is voluntary, and acknowledge awareness that they will not be eligible to re-apply or return to Elon University in the future.  If the request is approved, the individual may not be present on the Elon campus, stay in campus owned or operated housing, or participate in any University or student sponsored events or activities on or off the campus.  Should the student request that their conduct history be shared with another college or university (as is often required when a student attempts to enroll in another college or university), the Office of Student Conduct will indicate that they withdrew in lieu of a hearing and may include the outstanding charges.


Note: Withdrawal in Lieu of a Hearing is not available for responding parties within the Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy.


C.  Withdrawal Pending a Hearing

Students accused of some crimes or serious code of conduct violations may request to take a leave from Elon University. To request a withdrawal pending a hearing, the student must request such an option in writing, stipulate that the petition is voluntary, and acknowledge awareness that they must meet the following conditions:

  • Comply with all campus investigative efforts (including a hearing if required by the Office of Student Conduct);
  • Comply with all interim actions and/or restrictions imposed during the leave of absence; and
  • Complete the hearing/decision process before they may be considered for readmission to the university.  Individuals found responsible for code of conduct violations must complete sanction requirements before being readmitted and may be required to meet other conditions to continue enrollment. 


Until the hearing/decision process is complete, the student may not be present on the Elon campus, stay in campus owned or operated housing, or participate in any University or student sponsored events or activities on or off the campus.  Should the student request that their conduct history be shared with another college or university (as is often required when a student attempts to enroll in another college or university), the Office of Student Conduct would indicate that they withdrew pending a hearing and, may list the outstanding charges.


Note: Withdrawal Pending a Hearing is not available for responding parties within the Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy.


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