
Elon University Alcohol Position Statement

Revised Fall 2006

Elon University is committed to the intellectual and personal development of students. Alcohol misuse inhibits students' development and is negatively correlated with academic success and personal safety. The vitality of the academic community relies on each member taking personal responsibility for his or her actions regarding alcohol use and safeguarding the well-being of others. 

  • The University welcomes and supports the decision of students not to drink.
  • Elon emphasizes education about risks, choices and personal responsibility regarding the use of alcohol. Students are expected to make conscious choices that do not diminish the academic or social success, or personal safety, of themselves or others.
  • The University observes laws regarding alcohol use, particularly those that address underage drinking, and holds students accountable for their choices.
  • Students whose drinking creates a risk of danger to the health and safety of themselves or others are subject to suspension and/or loss of other University privileges.

Alcoholic beverages may be possessed and/or consumed only by individuals 21 years of age or older in their residence or an approved location. Students livinfg in University owned or operated residential facilities should consult the  Residential Policies -Alcohol  section of the  Residence Life website.  Alcohol may be consumed at the Elon Lodge or other specifically sanctioned locations during authorized events with prior approval from the appropriate office as stated in the Event Risk Management Registration Form.  

More information about laws, University policies, and resources associated with alcohol and other drugs can be found at Substance Education Web-site or the Drug Free Schools and Communities

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