J. Disciplinary Records, Retention and Reporting

The Office of Student Conduct maintains all student conduct files (paper and electronic formats) for matters involving student Code of Conduct violations.  Files are maintained separately from academic transcripts but are considered educational records subject to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Office of Student Conduct may disclose information related to student conduct records to Elon University officials with legitimate educational interests without prior consent from students.  All student conduct files are maintained as required by law and/or university policy (generally a minimum retention of seven years from the date of the incident).

Students wishing to view their conduct files should contact the Office of Student Conduct at studentconduct@elon.edu to specify the information they are requesting to review. Federal law requires that the requested information be made available for review although, in accordance with FERPA certain information related to other students may be redacted. The University also may be required to disclose student Code of Conduct files when required by lawful court order or subpoena, regardless of University policy on retention or reporting.   The University also may disclose student Code of Conduct files or information from them with written authorization from the student as further described below.

Code of Conduct violations resulting in sanctions of Permanent Separation will be reported outside the University (such as transfer applications, graduate schools, employers, or licensing agencies).  These violations will be reported, and records will be kept and maintained, indefinitely.

Code of Conduct violations resulting in sanctions of Disciplinary Suspension will be reported outside the University (such as transfer applications, graduate schools, employers, or licensing agencies) as long as the records are maintained as required by law and/or university policy.

Code of Conduct violations resulting in sanctions of Disciplinary Probation will be reported externally during the probationary period.  Following the probationary period, Code of Conduct violations will not be reported externally unless required by law. 

Code of conduct violations resulting in sanctions of Official Warning or Academic Censure will not be reported to externally unless required by law.

Charges of Code of Conduct violations or assigned sanctions that remain unresolved at the time a student leaves or withdraws from the University may be kept indefinitely and reported externally. Once resolved, these records are kept and maintained according to University policy. 

Responses to a request for student disciplinary records may include a statement explaining the University’s policy regarding retention and reporting of disciplinary records.


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