F. Referral to and Procedures for Honor Board Hearing

When determined that a board should be used for a hearing, an Honor Board hearing is conducted with the appropriate panel members, the responding student, reporting party (if applicable), advisors, and any witnesses.  (See Section 3.D. for a more detailed description of the board and when it is used in lieu of an administrative hearing.) The director of student conduct (or designee) will ensure that the hearing information and any other available written documentation is shared with the parties at least two (2) business days before any scheduled hearing. Should any party object to any panelist, that party must raise all objections, in writing, to the assistant dean of students immediately. Panel members will only be replaced if the assistant dean of students or assistant provost for communications and operations (or designees) concludes that their bias precludes an impartial hearing of the complaint. Additionally, any panelist who feels they cannot make an objective determination must recuse themselves from the proceedings.

The convener will be present and available as a resource during all hearing procedures (including deliberations).  All procedural questions are subject to the decision of the convener.

A typical Honor Board hearing procedure follows this basic outline:

  • The student respondent, reporting party, witnesses, advisor(s), and the board members meet.
  • The convener provides a brief overview of the hearing process to all hearing participants.
  • Witnesses leave the room and the charge(s) are read to the student(s). The student responds to the charges and states “responsible” or “not responsible” to each charge.
  • When appropriate, the professor, reporting party, or University investigator presents a written and/or oral statement to provide a context for the charges, the student(s) are given an opportunity to address the board, and board members pose questions to either party.
  • Witnesses are requested to make statements and respond to questions. (Unduly repetitive witnesses can be limited at the discretion of the chair or convener.)
  • Both the respondent and reporting party respond to questions and offer any further information or statement(s).
  • The respondent, reporting party, and advisor(s) leave the hearing room. The board members deliberate and determine, by majority vote, whether it is more likely than not that the responding student has violated the Code of Conduct policies. If the hearing panel consists of four members, a tie vote would result in a finding of not responsible. 

For cases involving academic integrity charges:

  • The assistant provost for communications and operations or designee will communicate the outcome of the hearing to the respondent and the faculty member within two business days.  The assistant provost or designee will communicate any university sanction to the respondent, as well as information on the conduct appeal process. 

For cases involving social policy charges:

  • Board members are given information concerning any prior Code of Conduct violations and sanctions for the respondent. The board members may consider prior offenses and sanctions for the purposes of determining the appropriate sanctions to be imposed.  
  • The board will discuss all information available and determine appropriate sanctions.
  • If the recommended sanction includes suspension or permanent separation, this decision will be made in consultation with the Dean of Students. 
  • The assistant dean of students or designee will communicate the hearing outcome to the respondent within two business days.  This outcome will include the finding, rationale, any assigned sanctions, as well as information on the conduct appeal process.  This communication will typically occur in a meeting with the assistant dean of students.  The assistant dean of students will communicate the outcome to reporting parties as required/allowed by federal law (see Section 7.G). 

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