Global Education Curriculum Committee


Membership List

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 13)


  • Dean of Global Studies, the Director of Study Abroad, and the Director of Domestic Programs, ex-officio, without vote
  • Assistant Dean of Global Education, ex-officio, without vote
  • Members of the teaching faculty elected for staggered three-year terms with three members elected each year as follows:

Year One

    • One member from Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • One member from Fine Arts and Humanities
    • One member from Social Sciences

Year Two

    • One member from the School of Business
    • One member from the School of Communications
    • One member at-large from the teaching faculty or support staff with faculty rank (The two at-large members must represent different divisions/schools)

Year Three

    • One member from the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
    • One member from the School of Health Sciences
    • One member at-large from the teaching faculty or support staff with faculty rank (The two at-large members must represent different divisions/schools)

All members will have experience teaching a study abroad or Study USA course at Elon. Each May the committee will elect a chair from among the nine teaching faculty members.

Faculty from the School of Law are excluded from service on this committee.

  • Director of the Elon Core Curriculum, ex officio, with vote
  • Two student members, with study abroad experience or Study USA, elected annually by the Student Government Association
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee.


  • To promote the goals of global education
  • To develop and apply criteria and procedures for reviewing and approving global education program proposals by Elon faculty
  • To work in consultation with faculty and departments on the development of global education courses
  • To review periodically and to make recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee for general curricular changes in the Elon global education program
  • To promote the integration of global education experiences with other components of the academic programs of Elon University
  • To work in collaboration with the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center on developing and conducting assessments to evaluate credit-earning Elon global education courses and programs, including both academic and the development of intercultural competence
  • To work in collaboration with the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center on reviewing and evaluating relevant programmatic aspects of the Elon University global education program
  • To consult with the Dean of Global Studies on the implementation of the Elon global education program

Information for the Global Education Curriculum Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is concerned with promoting, evaluating, and refining a strong global education component of the curriculum (Study Abroad and Study USA).

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee members will be convened by the Chair, at the convenience of the members, to meet the responsibility of the committee.
  • The committee meets regularly to discuss proposals for global education programs, revisions to current requirements, and other relevant programmatic issues of concern to the Dean or committee.
  • The committee recommends to the University Curriculum Committee changes requiring faculty action.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Chair of the Global Education Curriculum Committee will submit a written annual report to Academic Council and, on matters the committee deems to be of general concern, will request to report directly to the faculty.