The Senior Faculty Review Committee


Some processes include evaluation by a Senior Faculty Review Committee. The following defines the membership and duties of that group:

  • “Senior faculty” are full-time teaching faculty who hold the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor.
  • A committee will consist of a minimum of three senior faculty members (as defined above) from one’s department, when possible; appointed by the Dean, in consultation with the Chair.
  • Where there are an insufficient number of senior faculty members in a department, senior faculty from other departments will be appointed by the Dean, in consultation with the Chair.
  • A Chair may serve as a senior faculty member on the review committee of another department within a school/division. However, a Department Chair may not serve on her or his department’s review committee.
  • Appointments to the senior faculty review committee will be for one year on an as-needed basis.
  • Senior faculty review committees evaluate the teaching, service, and professional activity of candidates as is appropriate for renewal of their appointment. The committee prepares a written recommendation summarizing the conclusions of the committee and submits it to the Dean by January 30.