Process for Continuance Appeal

  1. Within 21 calendar days of submission of the Notice of Appeal, the librarian making the appeal will submit to the Chair of the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board and the Provost a written document summarizing the alleged procedural violations on which the appeal is based, including evidence substantiating the alleged violations. This will serve as the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board’s principal resource in its deliberations.
  2. Once the librarian’s documentation has been received, the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board will conduct its review according to the following guidelines:
    • The initial meeting of the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board will be convened by the Chair for the purpose of reviewing the appeal procedures. Additionally, the Chair of the Hearing Board will maintain a log of the Board’s activities.
    • The Continuance Appeal Hearing Board is empowered to investigate and substantiate the details included in the appealing librarian’s written documentation.
  3. In addition to the letter of appeal, the Board will have access to the librarian’s personnel file and any other of the petitioning librarian’s records that are relevant. Once the members of the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board are satisfied that they have adequately investigated the librarian’s allegations, the Hearing Board will meet in closed session to formally adjudicate the appeal.
  4. Within 90 days of receipt of the Notice of Appeal, the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board will submit its recommendation on the appeal to the President for final decision. The appealing librarian will receive a copy of the recommendation. The President will notify the Chair of the Hearing Board that a final decision has been rendered. At that time, the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board will be disbanded.