Research, Development, and Advanced Study


Faculty are encouraged to apply for money in this category if they are conducting research, working on a publication, pursuing professional development, working toward the completion of a dissertation, or engaged in additional study or course work at another graduate institution. Applicants should be aware that there is no guarantee that the amount of money requested, if accepted, will be funded at the level requested.

All full-time teaching faculty members are eligible to apply for assistance in their pursuit of scholarly research, publications, professional development, dissertation completion, advanced study, or course work at graduate institutions. All research activities involving human participants, whether funded or not, must conform to the current guidelines set forth in the document Ethical Principles and Review Procedures for Human Participants in Researchavailable from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Applications for financial assistance should be made via the online form provided by the Faculty Research and Development Committee. Applications can be for financial assistance alone or in conjunction with a sabbatical, summer fellowship, released time fellowship, or Hultquist award. All applications for financial assistance related to research, development, and advanced study for the following academic year must be submitted on-line and both the chair and dean are notified of your application by the published November deadline (typically November 1st.)

The normal grant period is June 1st of each year to May 31st of the following year. Funds unused by a recipient by the end of the grant period will be returned to the general University fund. A request for a change in any part of the grant originally approved by the committee must receive prior approval from the Chair of the Faculty Research and Development Committee and notification in writing to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs.

A recipient of a research, development, and advanced study grant is expected to return to Elon University for at least one year. Recipients who fail to complete one year of full-time service at Elon University immediately following their grant will be required to repay the monies advanced them by the University unless the University terminates their employment.

At the conclusion of the grant period, the grant recipient must write a report addressing the following:

  • The research or development objectives accomplished during the period of the reassigned-time award
  • The refinements or changes, if any, to the original research or development plan
  • A description of how the reassigned-time project has influenced the teaching, mentoring, or future scholarship activities of the recipient

All applications for financial assistance must be accompanied by a detailed itemized budget. Applicants have the choice to accept or reject partial funding based on review of the itemized budget. Expenses may be reimbursed for:

  • Special equipment and materials, books, photocopies, film, and manuscripts for research. Large equipment expenses cannot usually be covered.
  • Statistical analysis, transcription, consultants
  • Communication costs
  • Travel and living expenses incurred away from home and pertinent to the project (with low priority given to travel expenses for coursework). Mileage, hotel costs, and other living expenses should be itemized.
  • Publication up to 50% of the requisite subsidy, but not to exceed $1,500, including cost of images
  • Tuition
  • Other purposes deemed by the Faculty Research and Development Committee to be necessary for the successful completion of the proposed project and compatible with the general policies of the University, but not to include payment to the faculty member for time spent in research

When possible, supplies, equipment, and clerical services are to be acquired through other University channels. The Committee will not approve the expenditure of its funds for materials or equipment which in its judgment should be supplied by the University through the departmental, Dean’s or library budgets.

Teaching faculty members desiring release from teaching responsibilities to conduct research or to develop projects are encouraged to refer to sections on sabbaticals and reassigned-time above.

All books, manuscripts, photocopies, films, and similar research materials purchased with funds from a grant approved by the Faculty Research and Development Committee become the property of Elon University and, upon completion of the project, are to be deposited in the library or other appropriate University repository. Textbooks required in course work will become the personal property of the grantee.

The publication of the results of research projects supported by a grant from the University should include a printed acknowledgment of financial assistance from the University.