Post-Probationary Faculty Development Application for Lecturers and Assistant Professors

The intent of the post-probationary faculty development program is to support faculty excellence and, in turn, deepen the impact of the Elon teacher-scholar ideal. These university supports align with our institutional mission related to teaching excellence, meaningful engagement, scholarly achievement, and lifelong learning. An important characteristic in the pursuit of these significant values is supporting our faculty to grow as excellent and impactful teachers, committed servant-leaders, and dedicated scholars.

You are eligible for basic supports for your rank. As a result, you will receive two course reassignments (8 shs) to be used over the next four years.

As a post-probationary faculty holding the rank of lecturer or assistant professor for six years, you are also eligible to apply for an additional competitive award. Additional awards are made through a competitive application process for post-probationary faculty. For your rank, applications for these awards are evaluated based on high-quality contributions in teaching as well as one of the two other areas of faculty evaluation (contributions to the life of the university and professional activity; see faculty handbook for descriptions). If awarded, you will receive one additional course reassignment (4 shs) to be used during the next four years, in addition to the base support for your rank. Therefore, you would be awarded 3 course reassigned times (12 shs) to be used over your next four years in rank.

To be evaluated to receive the competitive level of support, faculty must provide a current CV and complete the following application. Your responses on the following items will next be forwarded to your respective dean. Your dean will provide an assessment of your impact in each category using a 5-point scale (1=low impact; 5=high impact) to be considered in the committee's overall assessment and deliberations.

Please use the last four academic years as evidence to describe high-quality contributions in teaching (600 word limit):

Please use the last four academic years as evidence to describe high-quality contributions in one of the two areas:
  1. Contributions to the life of the university (400 word limit): OR
  2. Professional activity (400 word limit):