Independent Study Guidelines


Independent study application forms are available at the Registrar’s Office. Instruction by independent study can be a stimulating experience for instructor and student alike. In order for this to occur, the faculty adopted the following guidelines for independent study:

Independent study is designed for students who:

  • in the opinion of the course director and the Department Chair, are academically talented; and/or
  • need a specific catalog course to graduate.

Guidelines for independent study:

  • The requirements for an independent study course should be roughly equivalent to those of a course taught in a regular classroom environment.
  • Normally, independent study will not be used to repeat a course and will be limited to juniors and seniors
  • Independent study will not be used to avoid a specific professor.
  • Normally, a student will be enrolled in only one independent study course at a time.
  • Normally, a professor will direct no more than eight hours of independent studies at a time.
  • Normally a four-hour course will require one fall or spring semester's time.
  • A student will not be allowed to enroll in a course by independent study if the same course is scheduled for that semester.