Incomplete Grade Policy


An “I” grade signifies incomplete work because of illness, emergency, extreme hardship, or self-paced courses. It is not given for a student missing the final examination unless excused by the Department Chair upon communication from the student. In any case, an instructor giving the grade of “I” will note the reason for the grade in the “comments” column of the final grade report.

The student receiving a grade of “I” completes all work no later than nine class days after mid-semester grades are due in the following regular semester. A final grade is submitted to the Registrar by the instructor by the deadline listed in each year’s academic calendar. After this date, the “I” grade automatically changes to “F” unless an extension is granted by the Dean of the school/college.

The precise dates in fall and spring semesters by which all work toward removing an “I” grade is due to the instructor are printed in the official University calendar and the Academic Catalog, both available online.

When a student has an “I” grade, the faculty advisor is encouraged to recommend a lighter load the next semester.