Capturing and maintaining the attention of the sport fan, participant, or consumer has never been harder. This course equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to differentiate products, services, and events within the increasingly crowded global sport marketplace. Through a mix of core marketing concepts and case studies, students learn the entirety of the sport marketing process, from investigating consumer behavior and market segmentation to the implementation of the marketing mix.


4 sh


SPT 2120


  • Fall
  • Spring

Course Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to:
    •Define the strategic role of marketing in the sport industry.
  2. •Understand the strategic marketing management process including the role of analysis and research, market segmentation and selection, development of the marketing mix, and implementation and control of marketing activities.
  3. •Explain the relevance of consumer behavior to strategic marketing, including internal and external influences on the consumer decision-making process.
  4. •Understand the role of positioning.
  5. •Recognize the impact of data, globalization, and technology on sport marketing strategy.
  6. •Identify how diverse target markets can and should influence an organization’s marketing strategy.
  7. •Demonstrate the continued development of personal and professional skills, with an emphasis on writing and leadership, through the creation and presentation of a marketing plan within small groups.

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