Advisory and Other Committees

Academic Advising Committee


Membership List Y24Y

Areas of Committee Concern

The Academic Advising Committee works with the Executive Director of the Koenigsberger Learning Center to understand, develop, and implement best practices for academic advising on the Elon University campus. These practices include services in the Office of Academic Advising as well as school specific advising programs.


  • Executive Director of the Koenigsberger Learning Center
  • Director of Elon 101
  • Associate Director of Academic Advising
  • A faculty member from science/math; from arts and humanities; from social science; two faculty from the School of Communication; two faculty from the School of Business; one faculty from the School of Health Sciences; one faculty from the School of Education for a total of nine faculty members who are appointed annually by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty members on the Academic Advising Committee should be current academic advisors of undergraduates. Faculty members will be appointed for two year terms.
  • Two staff members currently teaching Elon 101 and appointed annually by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Two students appointed annually

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets twice a semester during the academic year or as necessary.
  • The committee may rely on sub-committees, task forces, special committees, and/or others to perform its work.
  • The committee may conduct ongoing business and address concerns as they arise via online meetings as appropriate.


  • To annually elect its Chair from among the faculty and staff members on the committee.
  • To review University procedures and policies regarding effective programs for academic advising and recommend changes where appropriate
  • To review, disseminate, and promote best practices for University academic advising
  • To advise the Office of Academic Support and Advising regarding new initiatives and the improvement of ongoing services and programs
  • To share related concerns from both students and faculty
  • With support from the Executive Director of the Koenigsberger Learning Center, the Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to the Associate Provost of Academic Affairs.

Community-Based Learning Faculty Advisory Committee


Membership List Y27T.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Community-Based Learning Faculty Advisory Committee is concerned with all aspects of community-based learning.


  • Faculty Fellow for Community-Based Learning
  • Director of the Kernodle Center for Civic Life
  • Faculty members who teach community-based courses including at least one from each of the professional schools and three representing the three branches of the College of Arts and Sciences (Arts/Humanities, Science/Math, Social Sciences)
  • Faculty Fellow for Civic Engagement
  • Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
  • One administrator with faculty rank who teaches community-based learning courses

Policies and Procedures

The committee meets as needed in the fall and spring semesters


  • To make recommendations regarding policies and programs to advance academic community-based learning and enhance its quality across the campus
  • To assist in planning and implementing community-based learning events
  • To set standards for community-based learning course designation and evaluate course proposals for designation
  • To select students and/or faculty for relevant awards
  • To participate in strategic planning as it pertains to community-based learning
  • To conduct institution level assessment of student learning outcomes for the community-based learning program
  • To advise the Director of the Kernodle Center for Civic Life and the Faculty Fellow for Community-Based Learning in their respective roles

Disabilities Advisory Committee


Membership List Y35U

Areas of Committee Concern

The Disability Advisory Committee works with the Director of Disabilities Resources to develop, implement, and monitor procedures addressing the educational needs of students with identified needs.


  • Director of Disabilities Resources, who serves as chair
  • Assistant Director of Disabilities Resources
  • One teaching faculty member from the Education Department specializing in special education
  • Seven other teaching faculty members appointed annually by the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Two staff members appointed annually by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Three students, two with disabilities and one with an identified interest in disabilities issues, appointed annually

Policies and Procedures

The committee meets once a semester during the academic year or as necessary.


  • To review University procedures and policies regarding services for students with special educational needs
  • To hear related concerns from both students and faculty
  • To interpret and apply disability law to specific requests or situations
  • To coordinate the dissemination of pertinent information to the University community

Experiential Education Advisory Committee


Membership List Y22N.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Experiential Education Advisory Committee defines, implements and assesses common goals and standards for experiential education and the Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR) at Elon.


  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee
  • Vice President for Student Life, or designee
  • Professional Staff and Faculty Directors for each of the ELR programs:
    • Undergraduate Research
    • Leadership
    • Study Abroad/Study USA
    • Service Learning
    • Internships
  • Faculty Fellows for each of the ELR programs:
    • Service Learning
    • Leadership
    • Internships
    • Study Abroad
  • Director of Elon Core Curriculum, or designee
  • Administrator for the Elon Engagement Scholarship

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee meets regularly as convened by the Chair to meet the responsibilities of the committee.
  • All recommendations of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedures and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.
  • All recommendations by the Experiential Education Advisory Committee related to the ELR are forwarded to the Elon Core Curriculum Council.


  • To coordinate and deepen the curricular and co-curricular connections for those experiences that satisfy the Experiential Learning Requirement
  • To identify commonalities among the ELR processes that are characteristic of excellent practices in experiential learning
  • To consider proposals for additional experiences that would potentially satisfy the ELR
  • To monitor, assess and further develop learning objectives established for the ELR
  • To serve as the umbrella organization for each of the Elon experiences and to assist in the program development, research, and overall assessment of the Elon experiences
  • To promote faculty and staff development opportunities regarding best practices in experiential education
  • To cultivate institutional culture around experiential learning

Fellows Program and Scholarship Committee


Membership List Y25B.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Fellows Program and Scholarship Committee is concerned with planning and implementing the Fellows program and scholarship award process, including policy setting, event planning, and program and scholarship recipient selection.


  • Dean of Admissions, or designee, co-chair
  • Assistant Dean of Admissions, co-chair
  • Associate Dean of Admissions/Director of Financial Planning
  • Directors of Fellows Programs
  • Associate Director of Admissions/Fellows Data Coordinator
  • Associate Director of the Honors Fellows Program
  • Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Operations

Policies and Procedures

The committee meets as needed in the fall and spring semesters.


  • To recommend policies related to the selection of Fellows program participants and scholarship recipients
  • To recommend recipients and alternates for Fellows scholarships
  • To plan and coordinate the Fellows competition weekend

First-Year Experience Advisory Committee


Membership List Y22G


• Co-chair appointed by the Provost

• Co-chair appointed by the Vice President for Student Life

• Director or Associate Director of the Elon Core Curriculum

• Director of New Student and Transition Programs

• Director of Elon 101

• Director of Academic Initiatives for the Residential Campus

• Academic Dean, Associate Dean, or Director appointed by the Provost

• Student Life Dean, Associate Dean, or Director appointed by the Vice President for Student Life

• Assessment Specialist from the Office of Institutional Research

• Residence Life representative appointed by the Vice President of Student Life

• Student Health and Wellness representative appointed by the Vice President of Student Life

• Admissions representative appointed by the Vice President of Admissions and Financial Aid

• Representative of Inclusive Community initiative – appointed by Vice President of Student Life and Provost

• Two Students –appointed by the Vice President for Student Life with recommendations from the committee

• Four full-time permanent teaching faculty – appointed for a minimum of two years by the Provost with recommendations from the committee 

Areas of Committee Concern

The First-Year Experience Advisory Committee guides the development and implementation of a coherent, innovative, high quality first year that supports the intellectual, personal and interpersonal development of first-year students to be engaged members of the Elon community. 


• To foster collaboration and integration across University programs to develop and understand coherent pathways for the first-year experience at Elon from admission to the sophomore year

• To leverage theory and empirical evidence related to the first-year experience

• To understand the lived experience of Elon’s first year students

• To collect, synthesize, and report on the coordination and assessment of programs identified as part of the first-year experience and monitor first to second year retention

• To review appropriate unit reports on outcomes related to the first-year experience and first-year students

• To submit an annual “state of the first-year experience” report to the Provost and the Vice President for Student Life with occasional presentations to the Joint Deans.

• To recommend changes to existing programs, review and provide feedback on new initiatives, and develop new initiatives based on assessment evidence and literature regarding the first-year experience. 

Procedures and Policies

• The committee meets regularly as convened by the co-chairs.

• All recommendations of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedures and majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.

• All formal recommendations of the committee are made to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Student Life. As appropriate, recommendations are forwarded to the committees of the faculty or other advisory committees. 

Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisory Committee


Membership List Y33D.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisory Committee is concerned with all aspects of faculty/staff advisement of Greek-letter social organizations.


  • Faculty and staff members serving as the official organization advisor to a registered Greek-letter social organization
  • Director of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life, ex-officio
  • Three student representatives, one each from the Panhellenic Association, the Interfraternity Council, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council
  • A quorum includes Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, five Greek-letter organization advisors and two students.

Policies and Procedures

  • The Committee has two standing Co-Chairs, the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life (ex-officio) and a faculty advisor elected by a majority vote of the advisory committee.
  • The Co-Chairs schedule Committee meetings once a month at a time convenient to Committee members, unless Committee business necessitates more frequent meetings. The Chairs will also schedule a meeting each semester with the Residential Campus Advisory Committee to discuss their goals and activities for the semester.
  • The Chairs inform members of meetings at least one week in advance and provide a written agenda and a copy of the minutes from the previous meeting.
  • The Chairs preside at all meetings unless they appoint a proxy.
  • The Chairs appoint another Committee member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  • All decisions on Committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present.
  • The Committee Co-Chairs will submit a written annual report to the Vice President of Student Life, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Residential Campus Advisory Committee.


  • To make recommendations regarding policies and programs to advance faculty, academic, and core curriculum goals integration with Greek-letter social organizations
  • To assist in planning and implementing academic programs in Greek-letter social organization.
  • To set expectations for advisory support of all Greek-letter social organizations
  • To select faculty/staff advisors for relevant awards
  • To participate in strategic planning as it pertains to support of advisors of Greek-letter social organizations
  • To assist in selecting and orienting new advisors
  • To conduct institution level assessment of student learning outcomes for identified areas of Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • To advise the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life in his/her role.

Fulbright Campus Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The Fulbright Campus Committee is tasked with evaluating and mentoring Elon students applying for Fulbright U.S. Student grants.


  • National and International Fellowships Office Director, chair
  • National and International Fellowships Office Associate Director
  • Members of the teaching faculty and university staff with expertise in world regions, languages, and cultures, appointed for indefinite terms by the National and International Fellowships Office Director

Policies and Procedures

The committee meets each fall to mentor Elon's applicants for Fulbright U.S. Student grants and to evaluate each applicant's competitiveness for the grant.


  • To meet one-on-one with candidates applying for a Fulbright U.S. Student grant and to provide feedback on ways to make the written components of the application stronger
  • To conduct campus interviews and complete campus committee evaluation forms, which are included with each student's application

Honor Board


Membership List Y22U

Areas of Committee Concern

The Elon University Hearing Board adjudicates violations of the University's academic and social honor codes, as prescribed in the current Elon University Student Handbook.


  • Assistant Provost for Communications and Operations and Assistant Dean of Students, who serve as Co-Chairs, without vote (conveners for academic and social honor code cases, respectively)
  • Director of Student Conduct, without vote
  • Twelve students (six elected by the student body and six appointed by the SGA President)
  • Seven teaching faculty members (three appointed by the Academic Council and four appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
  • Five Student Life administrators (appointed by the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students)
  • Typically, hearing boards are comprised of three students, one teaching faculty member, and one student life administrator, however, a quorum is one student, one teaching faculty member and one student life administrator.

Honorary Degree Advisory Committee


Membership List Y28T

Areas of Committee Concern

The Honorary Degree Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the President regarding individuals to be awarded honorary degrees.


  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for University Advancement
  • University Registrar
  • Four faculty members appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for two-year terms

Honors Program Advisory Committee


Membership List Y34A.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Honors Program Advisory Council is concerned with matters associated with the Elon University Honors Program.


  • Director of the Honors Program, chair
  • Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Operations
  • Associate Director of the Honors Program
  • Six full-time teaching faculty, appointed for three-year terms by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Four students in the Honors Program, one from each class, appointed by the Honors Director


The Honors Program Advisory Council duties include advising the Director of the Honors Program on matters of curricular program changes, program goals, the program's graduation requirements, and the co-curricular activities associated with the program.

Institutional Review Board


Membership List Y26C.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Institutional Review Board is concerned with the ethical treatment of humans when they are involved as participants in research. The committee seeks to ensure that the principles of confidentiality, informed consent, benefit, and minimal risk are adhered to in the conduct of such research if the activities are conducted in the name of Elon University and/or using students or personnel of Elon University as participants.


  • Director of Sponsored Programs, without vote
  • Five members of the teaching faculty appointed by the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity; one from Elon College and one from each of the schools of the University. Appointments to the Institutional Review Board occur in a four-year cycle. In the first year of the cycle, one member will be appointed from Elon College. In the second year of the cycle, one member will be appointed from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business and one from the School of Communications. In the third year of the cycle, one member will be appointed from the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education. In the final year of the cycle, one member will be appointed from the School of Health Sciences.
  • Three members of the teaching faculty appointed by the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity; one from the biomedical sciences (Biology, Exercise Science, School of Health Sciences), one from the Department of Psychology, and one from Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences
  • An additional member of the committee will be named by the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity from the non-institutional population.
  • Invited non-members, without vote. If the committee reviews projects involving a category of vulnerable participants or involving issues requiring competence in special areas, it may invite one or more non-members to provide special expertise.
  • The committee must always include at least two scientists and two non-scientists. (Any faculty who has had substantive training or experience in a scientific discipline or in a scientific method should be considered a scientist.)
  • Committee members who have a conflict of interest regarding a specific project may not participate in the review of such project.

Policies and Procedures

  • The Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity appoints the Chair from among the full-time teaching faculty members on the committee.
  • If the committee reviews projects involving a category of vulnerable participants, or involving issues requiring competence in special areas, it may invite one or more non-members to provide special expertise. Non-members will not have a vote.
  • Committee members who have a conflict of interest regarding a specific project may not participate in the review of such project.
  • The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity.


  • To carry out charges made by the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity which pertain to the activities of the committee or issues of human participants in research
  • To review and amend the policies established in these guidelines when modification is deemed necessary by the committee
  • To review all research proposals involving human subjects and act according to these guidelines to either approve, exempt, or disapprove new research and ensure the compliance of continuing research
  • To act as a clearinghouse for the human subjects research ethical guidelines and regulations of various professional associations and appropriate governmental agencies
  • To disseminate approved guidelines in order to promote understanding of the policies and increase general sensitivity to ethical issues related to human participants in research
  • To maintain records of committee activity as required by 45 CFR 46.115, which include copies of all reviewed research proposals that involve human subjects, minutes of meetings, and copies of correspondence between the committee and investigators
  • To refer cases to the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity regarding violations of these guidelines which have not been resolved between the committee and researcher

Interdisciplinary Writing Committee


Membership List

Areas of Committee Concern

The Interdisciplinary Writing Committee is concerned with the development of writing and thinking in every discipline and at every academic level.


  • Director of the Writing Across the University, Chair
  • Writing Center Director
  • One teaching faculty representative from each of the schools and College of Arts and Sciences divisions: Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, Social Sciences, Science/Math, Arts/Humanities, Love School of Business, School of Communications, and School of Health Sciences

Policies and Procedures

  • With the exception of the Chair and Associate Director, each committee member normally serves a two-year term.
  • Committee membership rotates among departments, when possible.
  • Committee members recommend successors at the end of their terms, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs appoints new members.
  • The committee meets on a monthly basis, or more frequently as necessary.


  • To foster the development of writing and thinking in every discipline and at every academic level
  • To serve as an advisory body for the director of the writing program
  • To report to the committee the interests and concerns of the departments they represent, and report to their departments the committee's business and concerns

Isabella Cannon Global Education Center Advisory Committee


Membership List Y32H

Areas of Committee Concern

The Isabella Cannon Global Education Center Advisory Committee is concerned with matters pertaining to the global engagement, international community support and international programs at the University.


  • Dean of Global Education, Chair
  • Director of Study Abroad
  • Director of Study USA
  • Coordinator of International & Global Studies Major, or designee
  • Director of International Student and Scholar Services
  • GEC Business & Data Manager
  • Director of the Center for Research on Global Engagement
  • Nine full-time teaching faculty and staff with faculty rank, appointed for three years
  • Three students appointed by the Committee Chair on an as-needed basis


  • Advise the Global Education Center (GEC) on issues and policies of Global Engagement and International Student and Scholar Services
  • Select faculty to serve as faculty-in-residence at certain Elon Centers and faculty leaders for athletic cohort programs abroad
  • Oversee development and completion of strategic plans
  • Serve as liaison between the Global Education Center and the faculty, sharing information about GEC and serving as a resource for GEC within their school/college and department, and keeping the GEC informed of faculty concerns and suggestions

Leadership Studies Advisory Board


Areas of Committee Concern

The Leadership Studies Advisory Board is concerned with all aspects of academic curriculum for the Leadership Studies minor. Please visit the Leadership Studies Minor website for more information about the Minor and its Advisory Board.

Long Range Planning Advisory Committee


Membership List Y27J

Areas of Committee Concern

The Long-Range Planning Advisory Committee will advise the President about the direction and priorities for the University.


  • Chair, appointed by the President
  • Chair of the Academic Council (or his/her designee), ex officio
  • Chair of the Staff Advisory Council (or his/her designee), ex officio
  • Five members of the teaching faculty, appointed by the President to serve staggered terms of three years
  • Four members of the administrative staff, appointed by the President to serve staggered terms of three years

Policies and Procedures

  • Initially, the committee will meet bi-monthly during the academic year or as necessary.
  • The agenda will be established by the committee in consultation with the President.
  • The committee may rely on sub-committees, standing committee, task forces, special committees, and/or others to perform its work.


  • To act in an advisory capacity to the President concerning direction and priorities for the University
  • To make recommendations to the President concerning decisions affecting University actions several years into the future
  • To make recommendations within the context of the University's larger mission
  • To make recommendations which may include measurable objectives, strategies for achieving them, determinants of progress toward their achievement, and methods of funding them

Lumen Prize Advisory Committee


Membership List Y35A.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Lumen Prize Advisory Committee is concerned with the monitoring and implementation of the Lumen Prize program.


  • Lumen Prize Director
  • Coordinator of National and International Fellowships, or his/her designee
  • Nine members of the teaching faculty, appointed for two-year terms by the Lumen Prize Director. Members will be selected from across the different schools into which the institution is organized.

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets at the beginning of each year to review the prior year’s activity and to establish objectives for the current.
  • The committee conducts ongoing business and addresses concerns as they arise via online meetings as appropriate.
  • Members of the committee serve as the core of the selection committee.


  • To review policies and procedures related to the selection of Lumen Scholars
  • To advise the Director on matters of program implementation and evaluation
  • To serve as a selection committee for the review of applications and the determination of prize recipients

Lyceum Committee


Membership List Y24A

Areas of Committee Concern

The Lyceum Committee is concerned with planning and conducting a series of concerts and other cultural events, and
providing publicity to the University community regarding the events


  • Executive Director of Cultural and Special Programs
  • Chair of the Music Department, ex-officio, Committee Chair
  • Faculty members appointed by the President or his/her designees in consultation with the Executive Director of Cultural and Special Programs.  Appointed for staggered two-year terms.
  • Two students appointed annually by the Executive Director of Cultural and Special Programs in consultation with the Committee Chair

Policies and Procedures

  • The Chair is appointed each May by the President.
  • The Chair calls periodic meetings of the committee and presides over the meetings.
  • All decisions on committee business are made through normal parliamentary procedures and a majority vote of members present. A quorum consists of a majority of the committee membership.
  • Each spring the committee selects a series of concerts and other cultural events for the following academic year.
  • The Chair selects another committee member to record the minutes of the meetings.
  • The committee is responsible for coordinating the logistics of the lyceum programs.

Micro-Credentials Advisory Committee

Areas of Committee Concern

The Micro-Credentials Advisory Committee is concerned with supporting and evaluating non-credit bearing micro-credentials awarded to undergraduate and graduate students using the name of Elon University. Micro-credentials include but are not limited to badges, certificates, and other non-credit bearing designations of learning.


  • Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
  • University Registrar
  • An additional administrator designated by the Provost
  • Three faculty member with experience or interest in micro-credentialing, appointed for two-year terms
  • One staff member with experience or interest in micro-credentialing, appointed for a two-year term

Policies and Procedures

The committee meets as needed in the fall and spring semesters. A Chair will be elected annually among the members.


  • To make recommendations regarding policies and programs to advance micro-credentialing and enhance their quality across the campus
  • To set standards for micro-credentials
  • To develop and maintain a process to approve micro-credential proposals for designation
  • To receive, review and make decisions on proposals for micro-credentials offered across campus
  • To participate in strategic planning as it pertains to micro-credentials
  • To respond to Registrar requests for advice regarding a system to record micro-credentials awarded by the university or units of the university
  • To report any micro-credentials with impact to the curriculum to the Chair of the University Curriculum Committee and to seek input from the University Curriculum Committee as needed
  • To promote faculty and staff development opportunities regarding best practices regarding micro-credentials and undergraduate or graduate education  

National Fellowships Advisory Committee


Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets regularly to select Elon's nominees for national and international fellowships that require institutional nomination or internal evaluation. Committee members read draft applications, provide feedback to candidates, and conduct both evaluative and mock interviews with candidates.
  • The committee holds an annual review meeting each spring.


  • To review applications from candidates applying for national and international fellowship competitions and to provide feedback on draft applications.
  • To serve as interviewers during evaluative and practice interviews with candidates
  • To advise the Director on matters of program implementation and evaluation


  • National and International Fellowships Office Director, chair
  • National and International Fellowships Office Associate Director
  • Lumen Prize Director
  • Seven members of the teaching faculty, appointed for three-year, renewable terms by the National and International Fellowships Office Director

Areas of Committee Concern

The National Fellowships Advisory Committee is concerned with evaluating and mentoring Elon's nominees and candidates competing for prestigious national and international fellowships.

Residential Campus Advisory Committee


Membership List Y23N

Areas of Committee Concern

The Residential Campus Advisory Committee is concerned with evaluating and recommending action on the residential campus initiative, including proposals to enhance the residential campus experience, and assessments related to the goals and outcomes of the residential campus.


Members will be appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Life:

  • Seven teaching faculty members appointed from the following areas for two-year, renewable terms
    • Arts and Sciences: Art and Humanities; Natural, Mathematical and Computational Sciences; Social and Behavioral Sciences
    • School of Business
    • School of Communications
    • Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
    • School of Health Sciences
  • Associate Provost or his/her designee
  • Vice President for Student Life or his/her designee
  • Director of Residence Life/Assistant Dean of Campus Life
  • Representative from the First-Year Committee
  • Director of Elon Core Curriculum, or his/her designee from the Core Curriculum Council, when absent
  • Representative from the Inclusive Community Council
  • Lead Faculty Director for a Residential Neighborhood
  • Coordinator for Residential Campus Dining and Engagement
  • Representative from Wellness (HHP or Campus Recreation)
  • Two Student Representatives, one appointed by the Student Government Association and one appointed by the Resident Student Association

Policies and Procedures

  • Membership to the committee is by appointment of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Life.
  • The committee has two standing Co-Chairs, the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, or designee, and the Vice President for Student Life, or designee.
  • Faculty and staff members will be ineligible to vote on funding from this committee for their own initiatives during the term of their service on the committee.
  • Committee meetings are scheduled by the Chairs once a month at a time convenient to committee members, unless committee business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The Chairs inform members of meetings at least one week in advance and provide a written agenda and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • The Chairs preside at all meetings unless they appoint a proxy in his/her absence.
  • The Chairs appoint another committee member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  • All decisions on committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum consists of a majority of the committee membership.
  • The Chairs report the committee’s recommendations for funding promptly to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Life. Once approved, the Chairs of the residential campus committee will notify applicants.
  • The Chairs are responsible for completing all reports of committee business and submitting them to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Life at the end of each academic year as necessary. This report will be forwarded to the President.


  • To provide oversight of the residential campus initiative.
  • To issue call for proposals to enhance the residential campus initiative and to manage and make recommendations to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Student Life as to which proposals to fund.
  • To monitor and assess the goals and outcomes associated with the residential campus initiative.

Residential Living Learning Communities Advisory Council


Membership List Y28B.  

Areas of Council's Concern

The principal purpose of the Residential Living Learning Communities Advisory Council is to review, advise, and make recommendations to the Council's co-chairs on Living Learning Communities' (LLC) growth, development, and assessment.


  • Academic Affairs Designee: Director of Academic Initiatives for the Residential Campus.
  • Student Life Designees: Assistant Dean of Campus Life/Director of Residence Life and Associate Director for Residential Education.
  • All faculty members who currently serve as advisors to LLCs.
  • All staff members who currently serve as advisors to LLCs.
  • Two student currently involved in LLCs, appointed by Council co-chairs.

A quorum is six or more council members and must include the two co-chairs and two members of the teaching faculty on the Council unless otherwise specified below.

Policies and Procedures

  • The council has two standing co-chairs, the Director of Academic Initiatives for the Residential Campus and the Associate Director for Residential Education.
  • The chairs schedule council meetings at least twice per semester at a time convenient to council members, unless council business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The co-chairs when appropriate may create subcommittees of the Council. Members of any subcommittee will be nominated electronically. A simple majority of the Council is needed to have a quorum for the election of subcommittee members, with two-thirds of those voting required to carry the election of nominees.
  • The Chairs inform members of meetings at least one week in advance and provide a written agenda and a copy of the minutes of the previous meetings.
  • The Chairs preside at all meetings unless they appoint a proxy in their absence.
  • All decisions on council business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present.
  • The co-chairs of the Council will share information pertaining to the Council's goals and activities each year with the Residential Campus Advisory Committee.


  • To share information, provide feedback, and make recommendations on LLC growth and development.
  • To foster a creative vision for the LLC program.
  • To advise Student Life and Academic Affairs on promoting and improving LLCs.
  • To review and make recommendations to the Council Co-Chairs on the design, implementation, and assessment of LLC learning outcomes, LLC program goals, and proposals for new LLCs.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

In addition to sharing Council's goals and activities on an annual basis to the Residential Campus Advisory Committee, the Council co-chairs will submit a written executive summary of the Council's activities on an annual basis to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Campus Life, and the Assistant Dean of Campus Life/Director of Residence Life.

Student Media Board


Membership List Y25H

Areas of Committee Concern

The Student Communications Media Board is concerned with overseeing all aspects of the operation of University-approved student communications media.


  • Three full-time permanent teaching faculty members or support staff with faculty rank appointed for two-year terms by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in alternate years. One faculty member will be appointed from the School of Communications. No more than two faculty members will be appointed from any single department. Faculty advisors to the media are ineligible.
  • Three student members appointed for two-year terms by the President of the Student Government Association and approved by the SGA Senate in alternate years. One of the three student members will serve as a representative to the SGA, and that student will be from the School of Communications and may not hold a leadership position in student media. Editors or managers of campus media are ineligible.
  • An Assistant or Associate Dean of Students appointed by the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students.
  • An Associate Dean of Communications appointed by the Dean of Communications.
  • The Chief Information Officer, or designee.
  • A designee of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will serve as Chair, voting only in case of a tie.
  • The Vice President of University Communications, or designee (non-voting member).
  • Coordinator/Director of Student Media (non-voting member)

Policies and Procedures

  • The Media Board holds monthly meetings at a time convenient to members. The Chair may call additional meetings if necessary.
  • The Media Board makes decisions through normal parliamentary procedures by a majority vote of members present. A quorum consists of a majority of the board membership.
  • The Media Board invites advisors and editor/managers of campus media to attend open Media Board meetings.


  • To assist, guide, and encourage in the operation of all University-approved campus media
  • To set policies, approve budgetary requests received from the media and submit annual requests for funds to the University
  • To initiate the process for the creation of any new University-wide student communications medium and to authorize the revision or termination of existing media
  • To appoint the editor/manager and the advisor of any student media, and, if it should become necessary, to censure, suspend, or dismiss the editor/manager or the advisor of any student medium

Student Professional Development Center Advisory Committee


Membership List Y27Z

Areas of Committees Concern

The Student Professional Development Center Advisory Committee works with the Executive Director of the Student Professional Development Center to understand, develop, and implement best practices for student professional development on the Elon University campus. 


  • Executive Director of the  Student Professional Development Center (SPDC) or designee
  • Director of Internships
  • Coordinator of the SPDC Course Programs
  • Six full-time permanent teaching faculty who are appointed annually in consultation with Academic Council by the Provost
    • One member from Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • One member from Fine Arts and Humanities
    • One member from Social Sciences
    • One member from the School of Communication
    • One member from the School of Business
    • One member from the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
  • One Student Professional Development Center staff member who is currently teaching or has taught a SPDC course and appointed annually by the Provost
  • One student selected by the Executive Director of the Student Professional Development Center 

Procedures and Policies

  • The committee meets twice a semester during the academic year or more as necessary.
  • The committee may rely on sub-committees, task forces, special committees, and/or others to perform its work.
  • The committee may conduct ongoing business and address concerns as they arise via online ‘meetings’ as appropriate. 


  • To elect annually its chair from among the faculty members on the committee.
  • To review University procedures and policies regarding effective curricular programs for the Student Professional Development Center and recommend changes where appropriate. Once final approval is given by the committee, the faculty committee chair will submit proposals to his/her Department Chair/Program Director and Dean for approval and referral to the appropriate School/Division Curriculum Committee, which will, upon approval, submit proposals to the University Curriculum Committee for final review and approval.
  • To review present and future professional development curriculum to ensure compliance with the approved mission and goals of the University and the professional development program and recommend changes where appropriate.
  • To be a voice for students, staff, and faculty regarding Student Professional Development Center academic courses.
  • With support from the Executive Director, the committee chair will submit a written annual report to the Office of the Provost. 

Teacher Education Committee


Membership List Y34G

Areas of Committee Concern

The Teacher Education Committee is concerned with:
  • Planning, developing, and administering a program for the education of teachers.
  • Engaging in continuous study of the undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs and making recommendations to the appropriate Curriculum Committee and/or the administration for any needed or desirable institutional policy changes with regard to teacher education.


  • Director of Teacher Education, chair
  • Eleven faculty members who serve as licensure program coordinators from each of the following areas: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, English, Spanish, Adventure, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Middle Grades Education, Music, Science (comprehensive and biology), Social Studies/History, and Special Education
  • Coordinator of Secondary and K-12 Programs
  • Director(s) of M.Ed. graduate program
  • Education and Wellness Department Chair
  • Director of Accreditation
  • Director of Education Outreach
  • Director of Teaching Fellows Program
  • Two to four public school representatives, appointed by the Dean of the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
  • Two to four teacher candidates, appointed by the Teacher Education Committee

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets as often as necessary (usually three or four times per semester) to carry out its duties.
  • The committee develops and supervises a system of selection, interviewing, and enrollment of students for admission to the teacher education program.
  • The committee determines standards to be met by students for the satisfactory completion of teacher education curricula.
  • The committee provides guidance for students who have been admitted to the teacher education program and for their advisors.
  • The committee makes decisions on committee business through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of members present.
  • The Chair selects another committee member to record the minutes of the meetings.
  • The committee chair or his/her designee notifies the Department of Education and Wellness and the candidate's advisor of a teacher education applicant's admission or rejection to the program.
  • The committee reviews and approves through a majority vote any curricular change in teacher education programs.
  • The committee forwards any proposed curricular changes concerning teacher education to the relevant School or Division Curriculum Committee (SDCC) for consideration. The relevant SDCC then forwards any approved change to the University Curriculum Committee.
  • The committee notifies the general faculty of any policy changes through communication with the University administration.

Teaching Fellow Advisory Committee


Membership List Y24S

Areas of Committee Concern

The Teaching Fellow Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Director, the Dean of Education, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.


  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dean of Education
  • Director of Teaching Fellows Program
  • Director of Multicultural Center
  • Two teaching faculty members
  • Two representatives from the Alamance Burlington Schools
  • Four students, one from each of the four classes of Teaching Fellows

Policies and Procedures

The Teaching Fellow Advisory Committee meets formally once a semester and may meet more often when necessary.


  • To make programmatic suggestions and give counsel regarding program policies and activities
  • To act as a forum for student and teaching faculty concerns regarding the Teaching Fellow Program
  • To help coordinate the Teaching Fellow Program's interaction with other campus programs and activities, such as the honors program
  • To participate when appropriate in Teaching Fellow activities

Tenure/Promotion Appeal Hearing Board


Membership List Y32Q

Areas of Committee Concern

The Tenure/Promotion Appeal Hearing Board makes it possible for teaching faculty members to appeal tenure or promotion decisions based on alleged violations of procedure.


  • Six tenured full professors who are members of the teaching faculty including two representatives from Elon College, The College of Arts and Sciences, and one each from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, the School of Communications and the School of Health Sciences. All representatives will serve three-year terms.
  • Academic Council will serve as a nominating committee for Tenure/Promotion Appeal representatives, submitting to the faculty at least one week in advance of the faculty meeting one name for each place to be filled. The Council will secure consent of persons being nominated. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
  • Election. At the May meeting of the faculty, election of tenure/promotion appeal representatives will follow a prescribed cycle:

Year One

    • One member from Elon College, The College of Arts and Sciences
    • One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business

Year Two

    • One member from Elon College, The College of Arts and Sciences
    • One member from the School of Communications

Year Three

    • One member from the Watts Williams School of Education
    • One member from the School of Health Sciences


Members will be available to serve on a Tenure/Promotion Appeal Hearing Board and Continuance Appeal Hearing Board as needed (see Tenure/Promotion Appeal and Continuance Decision Appeal Process for Teaching Faculty)

The Elon Innovation Council

Areas of Committee Concern

The Elon Innovation Council will advise the President and campus partners on innovation priorities and areas of growth. The Council is concerned with cultivating a culture of innovation on campus and facilitating the implementation of innovative practices.


  • The committee will have nine members. All members should have professional interest and experience in innovation, broadly defined. Members will be appointed for two year terms which begin at the start of academic years.
  • Committee Chair, appointed by the president.
  • One member from Information Technology, appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration.
  • One member from the Doherty Center for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. 
  • Two staff members, appointed by Staff Advisory Council. One member will be appointed in even years. One member will be appointed in odd years.
  • Four faculty members, appointed by Academic Council. Two members will be appointed in odd years. Two members will be appointed in even years. No more than two members may be from a single College or School. At least three of these members will be teaching faculty. Staff with faculty rank are eligible for appointment.

Policies and Procedures

  • The Committee chair will determine meeting agendas, frequencies and formats.
  • All members are voting members.
  • Official committee decisions require a simple majority vote.
  • Committee members should seek input from relevant stakeholders prior to recommendations.
  • This committee is not responsible for representing faculty on general items in the purview of University Curriculum Committee or Academic Council, though the committee may make relevant recommendations to those groups.
  • The committee reports to the President. Major recommendations by the committee should be shared with the Chairs of Academic Council and Staff Advisory Council.


  • To make recommendations to the President and other units of campus as directed by the President regarding innovation priorities, practices, and impact.
  • To serve as a liaison committee between faculty, staff, students, and administrators regarding innovative practices.
  • To facilitate the development of processes, incentives, advocates, and programs to support innovation.
  • To encourage innovation across campus by reviewing and awarding grants for innovative projects proposals that align with the university’s strategic plan.
  • To promote faculty and staff development opportunities regarding best practices in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Undergraduate Research Program Advisory Committee

University Appeal Board


Membership List Y34U

Areas of Committee Concern

The University Appeal Board is concerned with reviewing appeals of cases heard by the Honor Board or other hearing officers for violations of academic or social policies in the Code of Conduct.


  • Designee of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, who serves as chair and convener for appeals related to academic policy violations
  • Assistant Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Campus Life, or designee of the Vice President for Student Life, who serves as convener for appeals related to social policy violations
  • Six members of the faculty, appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee to serve three year terms
  • President of Student Government Association or another member of the executive officers, only one serving at a time

Policies and Procedures

  1. The committee meets at the beginning of the year for the purpose of orientation and/or training of members.
  2. The committee considers all appeals of cases heard by the Elon Honor Board or administrative hearing officer upon the request of the student in question. When it does so it may review the case and the written appeal.
  3. Following review, the committee may:
    • Uphold the original decision;
    • Uphold the original decision but change the sanction (more or less severe);
    • Change the not/responsible decision; or
    • Remand the case to the original hearing officer or hearing board.
  1. The decision of the University Appeals Board is final.


  • To convene, as needed, for the consideration of appeals of decisions regarding violations of the Honor Code and Code of Conduct, including academic and social policies
  • To review written appeals to consider the merits of the information in the case file and the appeal request to determine if they meet the grounds for appeal based on established grounds for appeal
  • To make final decisions about findings of responsibility for policy violations and any assigned sanctions, including the possibility of suspension or permanent separation

University Budget Committee

Areas of Committee Concern

Within general parameters set by the President and the Board of Trustees, the committee develops a specific budget model for each upcoming fiscal year and submits the proposed budget for approval by the President and the Board of Trustees.


  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (serves as chair)
  • Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology
  • Associate Vice President for Business and Finance
  • University Bursar
  • An Academic Dean - appointed by the President from one of the schools or the College of Arts & Sciences
  • Two Post-Probationary Teaching Faculty Representatives - appointed by Academic Council through Academic Council's Committee on Committees process in consultation with the President and Provost. Representatives will serve five-year terms that overlap by two or three years. Representatives may be appointed to serve up to two consecutive terms.

Policies and Procedures and Responsibilities

  • Receives general parameters from the President to guide the development of budget models
  • Meets to develop possible budget models
  • Conducts a university-wide budget forum to inform members of the community of possible budget models and to receive feedback from members of the community
  • Meets again to further develop a possible budget model
  • Conducts a second university-wide budget forum to inform members of the community of the anticipated budget model and to receive feedback from members of the community
  • Meets to make any needed final changes to the budget model and votes to approve the final budget
  • Submits the final budget model to the President for approval. Then, after approving, the President submits the final budget to the Board of Trustees for approval.

University Calendar Committee

Areas of Committee Concern

The committee develops Elon's academic calendar as well as the full institutional/university calendar.

Policies and Procedures and Responsibilities

  • Both the academic calendar and the institutional calendar are prepared two years in advance.
  • As the first step in developing the institutional calendar, a subcommittee of the calendar committee composed of the Provost, the Registrar and the two teaching faculty committee members, meets to develop the academic calendar in a manner that ensures adherence to SACS requirements.
  • As the second step in developing the institutional calendar, the full calendar committee meets to develop the institutional calendar. During this process, members of the calendar committee coordinate their respective events (e.g., family weekend, graduation, admissions events, homecoming) to work within the established academic calendar.


  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (serves as chair)
  • Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology
  • Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
  • Vice President for Enrollment
  • Vice President of Student Life
  • University Registrar and Assistant Vice President
  • Director of Athletics
  • Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
  • Associate Vice President for University Advancement
  • Executive Director of Cultural and Special Programs
  • Senior Director of Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving
  • Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Senior Director of Parent Engagement
  • Two Teaching Faculty Representatives - appointed by Academic Council through Academic Council's Committee on Committees process in consultation with the President and Provost. Representatives will serve five-year terms with the terms that overlap two or three years. Representatives may serve up to two consecutive terms.
  • Chief Of Staff (President's representative)
  • Director of Event and Space Management (keeper of the calendar)
  • One student representative (appointed by the SGA)

University Environmental Advisory Council


Membership List Y33K.

Areas of Committee Concern

The University Environmental Advisory Council is concerned with maintaining and improving all aspects of environmental sustainability and increasing effective environmental stewardship on campus.

Membership (Appointed By the President)

  • Senior Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology, ex-officio
  • Director of Sustainability, ex-officio
  • Education and Outreach Coordinator, ex-officio
  • Associate Vice President for Facilities Management/Director of Physical Plant, ex-officio
  • Faculty Fellow for Sustainability, ex-officio
  • Three faculty members
  • Four staff members
  • Two students
  • The University President appoints the Chair from the committee members.


  • To monitor and evaluate the University’s Environmental Sustainability Plan
  • To suggest ideas for enhancing sustainability practices on campus
  • To facilitate continued attention to effective environmental practices through lectures, extracurricular events, and advertising campaigns
  • To advise the President on University policies and practices that will increase the sustainable use of resources on campus

Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Advisory Committee


Membership List Y34V

Areas of Committee Concern

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies (WGSS) Advisory Committee is concerned with all aspects of women’s, gender, and sexualities studies as our program is a home for mentoring, pedagogy, and scholarship dedicated to feminist praxis: thought, action, and reflection oriented toward ending injustice in our local and global communities. Together we carefully and collectively examine and interrogate interlocking systems of power and oppression.


Please visit the WGSS Studies Minor website for more information about the Minor and its Advisory Committee.