Promotion Decision for Professor


The evaluation system for faculty members applying for promotion to Professor involves six stages and follows the Schedule of Activities for Evaluation.

Stage 1 involves the creation of a digital portfolio, consisting of material drawn from the faculty personnel file as well as additional information included by the candidate. The individual candidate is responsible for seeing that the digital portfolio is in finished form by September 15 so that the process may proceed to stage two.

Stage 2 involves the separate evaluation of this digital portfolio by the respective Deans and by the Promotions and Tenure Committee. Each independently makes a recommendation regarding promotion and communicates that to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Stage 3 involves the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs holding one meeting of both the Promotions and Tenure Committee and the respective Dean to discuss their independent recommendations and rationales.

Stage 4 involves a recommendation on promotion by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to the President.

Stage 5 involves a recommendation on promotion by the President of the University to the Board of Trustees.

Stage 6 involves personnel decisions made by the Board of Trustees on promotion recommendations.