Visiting Appointment Evaluation


Evaluation Schedule for Faculty with Visiting Appointments


Visiting appointments are of fixed term length, normally one academic year with no guarantee of reemployment, and can be renewed annually for a maximum of three years of service. If needed, visiting appointments may be renewed annually for up to an additional three years.

A teaching faculty on a visiting appointment is reviewed by his or her Chair and Dean yearly according to the Schedule of Activities for Evaluation. 

    Year 1   Possible renewal for an additional year     Year 2   Possible renewal for an additional year     Year 3     Possible renewal for an additional year     Year 4   Possible renewal for an additional year     Year 5   Possible renewal for an additional year Year 6 (Final Year)
  • Unit IV
  • Unit I
  • Unit III
  • Unit IV
  • Unit I
  • Unit III
  • Unit IV
  • Unit I
  • Unit II
  • Unit IV
  • Unit I
  • Unit III
  • Unit IV
  • Unit I
  • Unit III
  • Unit IV
  • Unit I
  • Unit III

Unit reports are described in the Faculty Evaluation System.

Faculty on visiting appointments may apply for lecture track, continuing track, or tenure track appointments when they become available through the regular faculty recruitment process.

Criteria for Visiting Appointment Faculty Evaluation


Full time visiting faculty at Elon University are evaluated annually according to their primary assignments, normally teaching and service, and by the guidelines found in the Statement of Professional Standards .