Types of Review


Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review


Unit I

Each faculty member will write a summary and review of his/her activities and accomplishments during the previous 12 months and submit it to the Chair by December 31 for inclusion into the faculty personnel file which can be accessed by the Dean and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Information in the Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review will be used by the Chair, Dean, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in personnel decisions, including decisions on salary and merit. Information will also be available to members of the Promotions and Tenure Committee for their personnel deliberations.

The Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review should be guided by the Criteria for Evaluation of Teaching Faculty that relate to the faculty member’s appointment type. Faculty members are encouraged to be clear and concise in their self-evaluation statements, and critical self-assessment should be goal-driven and evidence-based.

More than a listing of activities, the Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review should build a narrative showing how accomplishments relate to the faculty member’s professional plans and goals. Materials that may accompany this narrative include letters of commendation, reprints of articles, descriptions of new courses, comments from the Students Perception of Teaching or Students Evaluation of Teaching, etc.

Annual Chair Review


Unit III

Each teaching faculty member is reviewed annually by the Department Chair (Unit III), whose evaluation reflects material included in the Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review (Unit I) and the Student Perceptions of Teaching. The Dean will indicate that he or she has reviewed all Unit IIIs by signing the Unit III report that is placed in the faculty member’s personnel file. The Dean will complete the Unit III for Department Chairs in his or her college/school.

Second Year Review-MidPoint Review


Unit V

This review occurs during the second year for teaching faculty on continuing track or lecture track and for those appointed to tenure track when the probationary review is scheduled for the fourth year of appointment. The faculty member’s performance is thoroughly evaluated by the Dean in consultation with the faculty member’s Department Chair, following the probationary midpoint review – Midpoint Unit III. This review may include input from one or more classroom observations, annual evaluation material, probationary midpoint review – Midpoint Unit III, and a conference between the faculty member and the Dean. Results are forwarded from the Dean to the faculty member and also are placed in the faculty member’s personnel file.

Third Year Review-MidPoint Review


Unit V

This review occurs during the third year for teaching faculty appointed to tenure track when the probationary review is scheduled beyond the fourth year of appointment. The faculty member's performance is thoroughly evaluated by the Dean in consultation with the faculty member’s Department Chair following the probationary midpoint review – Midpoint Unit III. This review may include input from one or more classroom observations, annual evaluation material, probationary midpoint review – Midpoint Unit III, and a conference between the faculty member and the Dean. Results are forwarded from the Dean to the faculty member and also are placed in the faculty member’s personnel file.

Probationary MidPoint Review-MidPoint


Unit III

This review occurs during the halfway-point year between the date of hire and the final year of the agreed upon probationary period. The faculty member’s performance since his or her date of hire is evaluated by the Chair. This probationary midpoint review will serve as the Midpoint Unit III. This review will detail with rationale the faculty member’s strengths and weaknesses based on the University expectations of faculty in the areas of teaching, contributions to the life of the University, and professional activity for the rank held.

Faculty members who have a joint appointment or have significant responsibility in two or more departments or programs (for example, a math faculty member teaching in education) should have the Chair/Director from the secondary department or program submit an addendum to the Midpoint Unit III.

Continuance Decision Review for Continuing track and Lecture Track


This review occurs during the fourth year for teaching faculty on continuing track or lecture track appointments. The decision to grant a renewal of their appointment rests with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Results are forwarded from the Dean to the candidate and also are placed in the candidate’s personnel file.

Those candidates not offered a renewal of their continuing track or lecture track appointment may be given an additional year of employment.

Tenure Review for Tenure Track


This review occurs during the final year of the agreed upon probationary period (four, five, or six years) for all teaching faculty on tenure track appointments. Upon successful completion of this review, with the recommendation of the President and approval of the Board of Trustees, tenure  will be awarded. The review is outlined below in the Schedule of Activities for Evaluation of Teaching FacultyThe applicant is responsible for meeting the guidelines in place at the year of application.

Those applicants not awarded tenure may be given an additional year of employment.

Promotion Review


This review occurs no earlier than the first year in which a faculty member is eligible to stand for promotions appropriate to appointment. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will notify an eligible faculty member in the summer prior to the academic year in which he or she is first eligible for promotion. The faculty member must submit a formal letter of application to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs indicating his or her desire to be reviewed for promotion.

Faculty members who choose not to stand for review in a given year will continue to be eligible in subsequent years. No further notification shall be sent to these faculty members. The faculty member must submit formal application in any subsequent year he or she wishes to be reviewed. The applicant is responsible for meeting the guidelines in place at the year of application.

Those teaching faculty not recommended for promotion should confer with their Dean to understand the rationale for the recommendation. Faculty members who are denied promotion in a given year will continue to be eligible in subsequent years. These faculty members must wait at least one additional academic year following the academic year during which they applied before reapplying for promotion. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will notify the faculty member of eligibility to reapply in the summer prior to regained eligibility.

Post-Probationary Review-Post-Probationary


Unit III

This review occurs in the spring of the third year past successful tenure review for tenure track or past successful promotion review for continuing track faculty. The faculty member’s performance since past successful tenure review for tenure track or past successful promotion is evaluated by the Chair. This review shall detail with rationale the faculty member’s strengths and weaknesses in accordance with the provisions as set out in the Probationary Review. If the faculty member is the Department Chair, the evaluation letter will be written by a senior member of the department appointed by the Dean.

Long Range Professional Development Review


This review occurs in the fourth year after successful completion of probationary review and every four years thereafter, or until one is promoted to Professor or Senior Lecturer, at which time this review is done in the year immediately following promotion and every five years thereafter. The review should produce a professional development plan and a Unit V by the Dean for each faculty member. These will be placed in the personnel file, and the professional development plan will be updated annually in the faculty member's annual self-review (Unit I).