Communication Design A.B.

Chair: Associate Professor Hannam


The design of media and communication messages is essential in a visual world. A major in communication design prepares students to create these messages in static, kinetic, and interactive mediums and deliver them to diverse audiences through visual language, the principles of design, and other methods, theories, and practices.


Students learn to identify and solve design problems and master the principles and practices used in the design of communication messages. These messages may involve design for print publications, advertising, website and mobile media.


The Communication Design A.B. degree requires 52 semester hours in CDE, COM, CTA, JOU, MEA or STC, plus 8 hours in ART and 2 hours in IDS 1150.

(See School of Communications for additional program requirements and course descriptions)

Major Requirements:

Required courses: 51-52 sh


2 sh

COM 1000Communications in a Global Age

4 sh

COM 2000Inclusive Communications

2 sh

COM 2200Creating Multimedia Content

4 sh

CDE 2580Principles of Communication Design

4 sh

CDE 2600Fundamentals of Typography

4 sh

CDE 3180Writing & Research in Design

4 sh

CDE 3580Design of Visual Images

4 sh

CDE 3600Contemporary Practices in Design

4 sh

COM 3985Communications Internship

1 or 2 sh

COM 4000Media Law and Ethics

4 sh

CDE 4580Design Strategies & Solutions

4 sh

Choose one: 4 sh
CDE 3500Web & Mobile Design

4 sh

CDE 3550Design & Analytics

4 sh

Additional requirements for the Communication Design A.B.: 8 sh

ART 1120Fundamentals of Design

4 sh

ART 2600Introduction to Intermedia and Photography

4 sh

Select additional courses to total at least 52 semester hours of courses from COM, CDE, CTA, JOU, MEA, or STC, not including IDS 1150.


To promote academic depth, all students must complete a minor, double major outside of the School of Communications or a semester abroad (totaling 12 credit hours or more) in an Elon-approved program. Study USA programs do not qualify as a semester abroad.

Total Credit Hours: 62

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