EDU 2500 Teaching Fellows First Year Seminar

This course introduces students to a variety of historical, socio-cultural, ethical, and political issues that affect students, families, educators, and schools. Students develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to their work as teachers. An integrated field experience enables students to analyze and interpret how some of the topics under study play out in our local community. The course begins preparing students for their Teaching Fellows inquiry project.


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Admission to Teaching Fellows program.




  • Spring


For first year students in the Elon University Teaching Fellows Program

  1. Teacher candidates will reflect critically on their personal backgrounds and experiences and the ways in which they were shaped by education and society.
  2. Teacher candidates will compare and contrast various perspectives on contemporary issues, trends, and challenges in the field of education, including topics related to diversity and technology.
  3. Teacher candidates will analyze and interpret their field experiences using course content.
  4. Teacher candidates will explore the educational research process with an eye towards preparing for their own inquiry projects.

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