GBL 1325 Pre-departure Seminar for Sri Lanka Postcolonial at the Global Crossroad

This seminar course helps prepare students academically, interculturally, and logistically for their immersive short-term experience in Sri Lanka. Throughout this 1 SH course, students will initiate their engagement with the politics, history, culture, and lived experiences of postcolonial Sri Lanka. Additionally, they will begin to develop practices that support cultural and narrative humility, nurture habits that promote being a mindful and ethical world traveler, and build trust, respect, and comradery with other students in the class. The seminar is offered on-campus in the semester prior to the 4 SH study away experience. Successful completion of the pre-departure preparatory seminar is required for participation in GBL 2325 – Postcolonial Sri Lanka at the Global Crossroads.



Course Types

Core Curriculum - Literature (Jan term class that this course preps for)


  • Fall

  1. 1) Begin to familiarize themselves with the history, culture, politics, religious traditions, and languages of Sri Lanka.
  2. 2) Embark on a journey toward an increased understanding of the impacts of European colonialism in South Asia.
  3. 3) Develop and practice cultural and narrative humility.
  4. 4) Nurture habits of being a mindful and ethical world traveler.
  5. 5) Build trust, respect, and camaraderie with other students in the class.
  6. 6) Familiarize themselves with specific knowledge needed to function in an effective and respectful way as a guest in Sri Lanka (cultural norms regarding expression, dress, behavior, eating, etc…).
  7. 7) Create a list of personal goals for the experience.
  8. 8) Collectively prepare strategies to “unpack” or “process” the experience upon returning to the U.S.
  9. 9) Prepare a detailed packing list for the experience.

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