WHE2300 Foundations of Health and Wellness Coaching
If you have ever tried to change unhealthy habits and found the road to sustained success difficult, you are not alone. Identifying behaviors we should change is not difficult, but changing them and maintaining that change is challenging. Being able to effectively plan and enact change is more complex than adopting a “just do it” attitude. Inserting a health and wellness coach in the process can help bridge the gap between knowing what we should do and implementing lasting lifestyle changes. Health and wellness coaching, a form of health promotion and education, facilitates a partnership to empower clients with the knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy for adopting and maintaining health-enhancing behaviors. In this course, students will be introduced to the health and wellness profession and examine the science, models, and theories used to understand and promote behavior change.
Course Outcomes
- The student will be able to:
1. Describe the health and wellness coaching profession, including roles,
responsibilities, scope, and ethics.
2. Explain the components and contributions of commonly used theories, models,
and strategies to understand, promote, and support behavior change.
3. Explain strategies to help individuals progress through The Stages of Change for
specific health behaviors.
4. Describe concepts for coaching with cultural awareness and strategies for
diversity, equity, and inclusion.