WHE 3850 Advanced Health and Wellness Coaching

Health and wellness coaches develop a client-centered relationship and process to empower clients along their self-directed, health-enhancing journey. In this course, students are provided the opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge of effective coaching methods, and to practice and refine their coaching skills. Students will apply all coaching competencies and session elements with peers and practice clients. Additionally, students will continue to nurture their own wellness behaviors, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness for their personal well-being, to serve as a model for clients, and to thrive as a coach that creates a safe environment of unconditional positive regard. 




WHE 2300, WHE 2400, WHE 2850


  • Spring

  1. The student will be able to:
    1. Demonstrate methods to cultivate a client-centered relationship built on trust,
    rapport, and unconditional positive regard.
    2. Implement tactics to foster clients’ positive emotions, self-efficacy, and self-
    awareness on their path to an intrinsically motivated, empowered independence.
    3. Design and conduct coaching sessions with appropriate structure and
    components relevant to the type and segment of the session.
    4. Apply models (e.g., Transtheoretical Model), theories (e.g., Self-determination
    Theory), methods (e.g., motivational interviewing) and techniques (e.g., positive
    reframing) to assist clients along a self-directed path of adopting and maintaining
    health behaviors.
    5. Apply health-related content knowledge to practical client situations. (Content
    knowledge includes the signs, symptoms, and measures of chronic disease; and
    wellness behavior recommendations and how the behaviors contribute to
    prevention, treatment, and health-related quality of life.)
    6. Engage clients with effective communication skills, such as active listening that is
    attuned to the tone and energy of the client, strategic use of silence, appropriate
    and varied reflections, and thought-provoking, powerful questioning.
    7. Employ mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-regulation to exhibit a present,
    poised, and calm existence when working with clients.
    8. Explain the importance and elements of professional conduct, ethics, and legal
    considerations in coaching.

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