LAW 755 Capstone Leadership Project

The Capstone course will provide 3L students an opportunity to apply leadership skills in service of a tangible product, outcome, or effort aimed at creating positive, sustainable impact on the profession, the Law School, the community, or the world. This elective will require approximately 55 credits of work during the Fall Semester, including reflective learning activities and preparation of a final report. Projects may be derived from diverse sources and should encourage student initiative and creativity. Thus the final report could take a number of different forms -- e.g., a written document of approximately 10 pages, slide presentation, video/DVD, etc. However, each project report must include a written executive summary that will both describe the project and its outcomes as well as document the specific leadership skills the student deployed in pursuit of the project and what the student learned about his or her strengths and developmental needs as a leader. Project proposals must be submitted in writing to the Director of the Capstone Leadership course or the Director's designee(s) and will be approved based on published criteria. All projects will be approved no later than the start of the Fall Semester. Teams of no more than four students may also carry out a single project, provided each student demonstrates equal effort and signs the final report. There will be a minimum of two progress check-ins with the Director of the Capstone Leadership course or the Director's designee(s) during the semester. The course will be graded on a Pass-Fail basis.



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