First Level Criterion – Teaching


Effective teaching is activity which promotes the intellectual vitality of the University and the wider community. While the primary focus of this activity is transmission of knowledge and the development of new skills, insights, and sensitivities within the classroom, teaching is not limited to that setting. It also includes the advising, supervising, and mentoring of students; the sharing of personal and professional growth with others; and the presentation of intellectual and moral concerns within the University community. Evidence of effective, high quality teaching may be seen through peer and student assessments related to a variety of possible indicators, as well as goal-driven, evidence-based critical self-assessment. Some indications of effective teaching are:

  • Fostering respect for diversity
  • Facilitating intellectual opportunities for students
  • Integrating scholarship and teaching
  • Conveying the foundation of established knowledge and theory
  • Creating class environments of mutual respect
  • Challenging students to be engaged learners
  • Cultivating informed critical thinking and creative expression
  • Integrating knowledge across disciplines
  • Extending learning beyond the classroom
  • Encouraging translation of knowledge into practice and service
  • Demonstrating an ability to communicate effectively with students
  • Being available to students
  • Demonstrating command of the subject matter
  • Demonstrating a commitment to improvement of teaching
  • Using appropriate and varied methods and strategies of teaching, assessing, and grading
  • Using current and relevant materials that enhance our understanding of the world
  • Being concerned for the wholeness and wellbeing of students
  • Using technology to meet course objectives