Second Level Criteria – Contributions to the Life of the University and Professional Activity


Faculty must contribute meaningful, high-quality accomplishments in both service and professional activity, although an individual’s accomplishments may be stronger in one area than the other. Levels of activity may vary over the course of a faculty member’s career, relative to reassigned time, funding, and other opportunities and responsibilities.

For further description of the types of and characteristics of high-quality peer-reviewed scholarship in various disciplines, see each department's scholarship statement.

Contributions to the Life of the University

Faculty members are an integral part of the University through their commitment to the institution and its mission, their presence and involvement, and their responsibility for the life of the university. Contributions to the life of the University at the Lecturer and Assistant Professor ranks typically begin with service on the program and departmental levels that progress to service on the college/school and university levels with experience. Service should include leadership roles as a faculty member progresses through faculty ranks. Participating in activities such as department meetings, faculty meetings, convocations and commencements is expected of all faculty members and is not considered service. University service includes activities such as:

  • Service and leadership in the department, to academic programs, and to the college/school
  • Service and leadership on University committees, task forces, and advisory groups
  • Mentoring and leadership provided to student organizations
  • Presentations and participation in activities that serve the University such as admissions, development, and alumni events
  • Service and leadership that connect the University to the wider community

Professional Activity

Peer-reviewed scholarship, as defined in a document generated by the department and approved by a special ad hoc committee consisting of the Deans and a representative body of the teaching faculty to be appointed by Academic Council’s Committee on Committees, is a necessary but not sufficient condition for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor or Professor.

Other professional activities are also expected. These activities should promote the exchange of ideas and acquisition of knowledge that enrich one’s teaching and contribute to the advancement of learning in the profession at large. Indications of scholarly or artistic activity may be:

  • Participation in academic presentations, exhibitions and creative performances of a professional nature that are not defined as peer-reviewed scholarship
  • Grant proposal writing
  • Leadership roles in a professional organization related to one’s field
  • Research and experimentation, including that which involves undergraduate research associates
  • Consulting
  • Service as a judge of artistic or scholarly works (e.g., reviewer)
  • Faculty internships
  • Participation in workshops and seminars
  • Professional involvement with the community
  • Attendance at professional meetings and conferences