
Information about voluntary withdrawals from the University, including medical withdrawals may be found in the Academic Standing and University Withdrawal section of the Academic Catalog.

Involuntary Withdrawals From The University

The President, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology or Vice President for Student Life; or persons functioning under their direct authority may carry out immediate, involuntary withdrawals concerning the conduct of a student.  In extreme cases, prompt and decisive action may be required before there is an opportunity to conduct a hearing, as in cases in which a student's continued presence on campus substantially impedes the orderly functioning of the university or constitutes an immediate threat to the well-being or property of members of the University community, or the student requires more supervision than the University staff can reasonably provide. Students withdrawn involuntarily shall have a hearing of the charges which form the basis for their withdrawal within two weeks. In some cases, the student may be required to reside off campus and/or be restricted in their access to the campus without being involuntarily withdrawn and pending the outcome of a hearing.

A student may be withdrawn and not allowed on campus when he or she has stopped attending classes or is not making a reasonable effort to achieve passing grades in several classes.  Grading policies for withdrawal dates will remain in effect.

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