Travel Policies for Students

Elon University values faculty/staff mentored student travel as a developmental and educational experience.  For this reason, the University and SGA provide resources and guidelines for travel.  Student organization leaders, organization advisors and course faculty are responsible for reviewing the travel policy with their members before the start of each year and prior to travel. Managing risk associated with student travel is an important element for safe travel. In order to make the most of the mentoring process, it is vital that all parties be informed of these guidelines and adhere to them.

The full travel policies  are included at the  Elon University Van and Travel Policy .  

While the above guidelines serve as the general policy, Academic and Student Life Deans may approve alternative travel arrangements and exceptions to these policies for certain events involving individual students, regularly scheduled repetitive travel, or unusual circumstances. Alternative travel arrangements must be approved in writing and reviewed with the students and faculty/staff who are traveling prior to departure.

Honor Code Expectations and Student Travel: While traveling, students (including student groups) are bound by University policies as stated in the Student Handbook, including the Honor Code as well as local and state traffic laws and regulations. Failure to abide by these policies may result in University review, Student Code of Conduct charges for individuals and groups, and sanctions.

During any organization/class activities, practices, conferences, retreats, etc., no alcohol/drugs are to be present.  This includes transporting alcohol in a University vehicle or on a University trip.If alcohol/drugs are found, have been used, or proved to be present at any of these activities, the organization will have all travel privileges suspended by the University.  This means that all organizations found in violation will be denied access to University vehicles, travel policies, or reimbursement for such expenses (hotels, off campus tournaments, registration fees, etc.).   

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