As an interdisciplinary capstone seminar for the Elon Core Curriculum, this course is designed to examine the topics of poverty and social justice from a variety of disciplinary perspectives while prompting students to consider their own relationship to the causes and solutions to poverty both domestically and internationally. This course also serves as the capstone experience for the Poverty and Social Justice program. In this capacity, the course helps students integrate their learning about poverty over the course of their program and helps deepen student's knowledge of the scholarly treatments of poverty by examining and discussing poverty research from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including economics, legal studies, philosophy, politics, and policy analysis. Student work will focus on examining how poverty alleviation can be engaged from multiple disciplinary approaches and will include particular attention to practical strategies for pursuing poverty alleviation. The goal of the capstone course for both General Studies students and PSJ minors is to help students think in creative and critical ways about how their career pathways and civic engagement opportunities after graduation might contribute to poverty alleviation. This course is writing intensive. Open to students in the third or fourth year of study. Counts as a capstone course in the Poverty and Social Justice minor.


4 sh

Future Course Number

COR 4430


Open to students in the third or fourth year of study.

Course Types

Core Interdisciplinary Seminar; IGS: Global Studies, Global Justice and Human Rights Area; Poverty and Social Justice Elective

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