Minor in French


A minor in French requires that students complete six courses (24 credit hours) beyond FRE 122 at Elon or abroad.

At least one course at the 300 level must be completed before FRE 350; FRE 350 is required. Students are strongly encouraged to study abroad in a Francophone country and may count two courses (8 credit hours) taken abroad toward the French minor. Students who study abroad for the minor are also strongly encouraged to take WLC 301, 302, 303 – Preparing for and Reflecting on the Study Abroad Experience. This course may count in the 24-credit breakdown.

Students may choose to complete a French minor entirely on campus. If so, they must take at least one course numbered above FRE 350.

Program Outcomes

1) Students will achieve Intermediate High linguistic proficiency on the ACTFL (American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages) scale in reading, speaking, listening, and writing.

2) Students will achieve advanced intercultural competency, including:
a) Demonstrate advanced understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to its history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.
b) Recognize new perspectives about own cultural rules, judgments and biases through their interactions with culturally different others.
c) Recognize cultural differences and incorporate that understanding appropriately in verbal and nonverbal communication.
d) Recognize and make hypotheses about cultural perspectives revealed by differences in vocabulary and syntax. Appropriately manipulate the linguistic conventions of the target culture within certain genres.

3) Students will become critical analytical thinkers and problem solvers in the target language, including:
a) Conduct research in the target language, following field-appropriate standards. Identify core issues of given topics (based on cultural products, such as literature, film, historical texts, journalistic texts, visual art), research those issues and engages in analysis.
b) Demonstrate good understanding of issue/ problem being researched. Acknowledge and critically consider different sides of an issue. Use appropriate, relevant and compelling texts to develop and articulate complex ideas.
c) Develop a coherent analysis and synthesis using credible and relevant sources,. Evaluate and question the viewpoints expressed by experts.
d) Independently connect and interrelate his/her learning to previous studies within and outside the discipline.

Total Credit Hours: 24

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