
  • To carry out charges made by the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs which pertain to the activities of the committee or issues of human participants in research
  • To review and amend the policies established in these guidelines when modification is deemed necessary by the committee
  • To review all research proposals involving human subjects and act according to these guidelines to either approve, exempt, or disapprove new research and ensure the compliance of continuing research
  • To act as a clearinghouse for the human subjects research ethical guidelines and regulations of various professional associations and appropriate governmental agencies
  • To disseminate approved guidelines in order to promote understanding of the policies and increase general sensitivity to ethical issues related to human participants in research
  • To maintain records of committee activity as required by 45 CFR 46.115, which include copies of all reviewed research proposals that involve human subjects, minutes of meetings, and copies of correspondence between the committee and investigators
  • To refer cases to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs regarding violations of these guidelines which have not been resolved between the committee and researcher