Leadership Studies Advisory Board


Areas of Committee Concern

The Leadership Studies Advisory Board is concerned with all aspects of academic curriculum for the Leadership Studies minor.

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets at least once per semester to review the state of the Leadership Studies minor and discuss plans for the future.
  • The committee conducts ongoing business and addresses concerns (including voting) as they arise via online meetings as appropriate.
  • A quorum shall consist of the Chair and four voting members.


  • To advise the Coordinator of the Leadership Studies minor in developing, reviewing, and strengthening the Leadership Studies minor curriculum. (**see Note below)
  • To advise the Coordinator of the Leadership Studies minor in planning course offerings in Leadership Studies for upcoming semesters.
  • To evaluate course proposals for Leadership Studies minor courses and designate those that will carry academic (LED) credit.
  • To assist in determining appeals for courses to substitute for or count as Leadership Studies required or elective courses.
  • To recruit faculty members to teach LED 210: Foundations of Leadership Studies.
  • To recruit faculty members to develop new Leadership Studies minor elective courses and to provide them support in the design and proposal process.
  • To assist in the marketing and communication of the Leadership Studies minor.
  • To stay abreast of and support activities in the Center for Leadership and attend formal functions at the Center as able.
  • To assist in interviewing Leadership Fellows applicants during Fellows Weekend.

**note: The Leadership Studies minor is permanently housed in the College of Arts & Sciences and curricular changes are approved by the Social & Behavioral Science Divisional Curriculum Committee.


The total number of members is 13 and each voting member has one equal vote. Each member holds either a formal university position or represents a particular community body. The specific composition of the board is as follows:

  • Coordinator of the Leadership Studies minor, Chair
  • Coordinator of Leadership Prize
  • Faculty Leadership Fellow
  • Director of the Center for Leadership, ex-officio
  • Five members of the teaching faculty appointed to staggered three-year terms by the Chair. Each undergraduate school (College of Arts & Sciences, Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, School of Communications, and Love School of Business) have a representative member; the remaining member is at-large. Preference for membership selection will be given to faculty members who teach in the Leadership Studies minor and or served as Faculty Leadership Scholars.
  • Two Leadership Studies minor students, (one Leadership Fellow and one non Leadership Fellow), each appointed to a two-year term by the Chair
  • One staff member, ex-officio, to be appointed to a three-year term by the Chair
  • One external expert, ex-officio, (academic or applied), on leadership studies