Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets as often as necessary (usually three or four times per semester) to carry out its duties.
  • The committee develops and supervises a system of selection, interviewing, and enrollment of students for admission to the teacher education program.
  • The committee determines standards to be met by students for the satisfactory completion of teacher education curricula.
  • The committee provides guidance for students who have been admitted to the teacher education program and for their advisors.
  • The committee makes decisions on committee business through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of members present.
  • The Chair selects another committee member to record the minutes of the meetings.
  • The committee chair or his/her designee notifies the Department of Education and Wellness and the candidate's advisor of a teacher education applicant's admission or rejection to the program.
  • The committee reviews and approves through a majority vote any curricular change in teacher education programs.
  • The committee forwards any proposed curricular changes concerning teacher education to the relevant School or Division Curriculum Committee (SDCC) for consideration. The relevant SDCC then forwards any approved change to the University Curriculum Committee.
  • The committee notifies the general faculty of any policy changes through communication with the University administration.