Section 1. Faculty Meetings


The regular faculty meeting will be held on the first Friday of the months of September, November, December, March, and May. At least three days in advance of regular meetings, the President or his/her designee will cause to be prepared and distributed to each member a written notice and an agenda accompanied by minutes of the previous meeting. The agenda will be prepared jointly by the President and the Chair of the Academic Council, with the advice and counsel of the Chair-Elect of Academic Council and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Order Of Business

  1. Call to Order and Invocation/Meditation
  2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  3. Academic Council Business Items (led by the Chair of Academic Council)
  • Report and Resolutions of Academic Council, with discussion
  • Reports and Resolutions of Standing Committees, with discussion
  • Questions and Concerns to Academic Council
  1. Reports of Task Forces or Special or Ad Hoc Committees (led by either Chair of Academic Council or the President of the University)
  2. Administrative Business Items (led by the President of the University)
  • Reports of Administrative Officers
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. New Business
  3. Announcements
  4. Adjournment


  • Formal announcement of faculty action will be made only by the President or his/her designee or by vote of the faculty.
  • Non-voting members may participate in discussion.
  • A major policy item, including a curriculum change, will not be allowed to come to a vote at a regular meeting unless the proposal in writing has been distributed with the agenda three days in advance or unless the item has been discussed at a previous meeting.
  • All motions will be decided by a majority (more than one half) of the legal votes cast unless otherwise specified. Legal votes are defined as votes cast by eligible voters. Abstentions are not included in the legal vote count as a member who voluntarily abstains from voting gives up their vote. 
  • All elections will be decided by a majority of votes cast by eligible voters.