Section 1. University Parliamentarian



Primary and secondary University Parliamentarians are appointed by the President upon recommendation by Academic Council using Academic Council's Committee on Committees process. The Parliamentarians will be full-time members of the teaching faculty and will each serve a five-year term, with possible reappointment for two additional five-year terms.


  • The Parliamentarians are required to be experts in parliamentary procedure. At least one Parliamentarian is expected to be present at all university faculty meetings for the purpose of providing procedural advice.
  • Parliamentarians provide guidance to presiding officers and assembly members as needed during university faculty meetings to facilitate productive, cooperative, and respectful transaction of business.
  • Parliamentarians are also available to provide procedural advice to Academic Council, other committees, and task forces, as well as to individual faculty and staff members when requested.
  • Administration supports specialized training and education for the Parliamentarians to maintain adequate parliamentarian expertise.