Duties of Administrative Officers and Staff

President of the University


The Charter of the University provides that the president "shall be the chief officer of the corporation and the University, charged with the duty of administering the affairs of the corporation and the University under the authority, direction, and control of the Board of Trustees..." The Board of Trustees’ Bylaws further specify that the President’s responsibilities include the maintenance of the educational work of the University, serving as the official medium of communication between the Faculty and the Board of Trustees, preparation and presentation of the budget of the University, and executing official documents for the corporation.

Executive Vice President


The Executive Vice President serves as a primary advisor to the President, oversees projects or programs at the President’s request, and serves as a liaison between the President and selected constituents.

The Executive Vice President directly supervises the Vice President of University Communications and the Vice President for Admissions and Financial Planning. In consultation with the President, the Executive Vice President works on a daily basis with the Director of Athletics.

The Executive Vice President serves as a resource to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and serves on a variety of University committees, including Strategic Planning, Budget, Staff Advisory Council, and Senior Staff.

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs has a twofold purpose:

As Provost , the responsibilities include the internal administrative operations of the University and the ability to act in the absence of the President. Providing leadership and direction for the long-range planning process and annual priorities for action, and the budget, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for developing, maintaining, coordinating, and integrating effective programs in:

  • Academic Affairs
  • Student Life
  • Institutional Research
  • Sponsored Programs
  • Cultural Affairs
  • Elon University School of Law

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs consults as appropriate with the Office of Development and also serves as Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer of the Board of Trustees.

As Executive Vice President serves as a primary advisor to the President, oversees projects or programs at the President’s request, and serves as a liaison between the President and selected constituents.

The Executive Vice President directly supervises the Vice President for Admissions and Financial Planning. In consultation with the President, the Executive Vice President works on a daily basis with the Director of Athletics.

The Executive Vice President serves as a resource on a variety of University committees, including Strategic Planning, Budget, Staff Advisory Council, and Senior Staff.

Responsibilities of the Executive Vice President also include:

  • Providing intellectual and administrative leadership of the faculty and academic support staff
  • Overseeing the development of the academic program and the assessment of student academic performance
  • Recruiting, orienting, developing and evaluating the faculty
  • Developing and administering the curriculum
  • Supervising the academic support programs
  • Developing and recommending the academic budget in consultation with Deans, Department Chairs, and Program Directors

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs reports to the President.

Senior Vice President for Business, Finance, and Technology


The Senior Vice President for Business, Finance, and Technology is the senior business and financial officer, providing leadership in:

  • Development of business strategy
  • Policies and procedures governing financial and personnel matters
  • Management of business and finance operations, auxiliaries, and entrepreneurial ventures
  • Physical plant
  • Campus technology planning and implementation

The Senior Vice President for Business, Finance, and Technology reports to the President and, additionally, serves as Treasurer of the Corporation.

Vice President for University Advancement


The Vice President for University Advancement has the following responsibilities:

  • Organizing and implementing a successful outreach and development program
  • Creating partnerships with constituencies
  • Designing and implementing campaign strategies to realize the institution's long range plan
  • Developing the Greensboro community for Elon University

The Vice President for University Advancement serves as the University’s chief development officer and reports to the President.

Vice President for Student Life


The Vice President for Student Life coordinates services and programs, which complement the academic curriculum and enhance out-of-class learning and personal development. Program areas include:

  • Campus Recreation and Wellness
  • Counseling Services
  • Dean of Students
  • Elon Experiences Program
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Gender and LGBTQIA Center
  • Health Services
  • Center for Leadership
  • Moseley Campus Center
  • Center for Race, Ethnicity, and Diversity Education
  • New Student and Transition Programs
  • Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
  • Residence Life
  • Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement
  • Student Involvement
  • Student Conduct
  • Student media
  • Student Government Association

The Vice President for Student Life provides leadership for:

  • Building positive student morale
  • Maintaining campus order
  • Managing student crises

The Vice President for Student Life is the chief student life officer and reports to the Provost/Executive Vice President.

Vice President for Admissions and Financial Planning


The Vice President for Admissions and Financial Planning has responsibility for leading all aspects of new student enrollment for the undergraduate and graduate programs, excepting the School of Law, and financial planning operations. The Vice President serves as a liaison to all University constituencies, representing enrollment interests.

The Vice President works closely with the Dean of Admissions and the Director of Financial Planning to ensure a steady and adequate enrollment of qualified students, both new and returning.

The Vice President for Admissions and Financial Planning is the chief admissions officer and reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Vice President for University Communications


The Vice President for University Communications anticipates, creates and systematically implements ways to communicate about Elon with its various constituencies. A member of the Senior Staff, the Vice President supervises the publications, news bureau, and Web services divisions of the office; maintains a proactive and professional relationship with the news media; and participates in the production of materials and presentations that have a major impact on the image of the University.

Duties include:

  • Aiding the academic, recruiting, and fund-raising objectives of the University by enhancing name recognition and public perception through media coverage and publications
  • Planning, coordinating, and producing University advertising and promotion including advertising campaigns and general University image ads
  • Supervising the publications staff, maintaining high quality standards in all University printed and electronic material, and ensuring the documents reflect the academic, promotional, recruiting and fundraising objectives of the University
  • Participating in fundraising and friend-raising activities
  • Assisting the President in the preparation of speeches, reports, presentations, and communications planning and strategy
  • Participating in planning and execution of special and annual University events that have significant external participation

Director of Athletics


The Director of Athletics has the following responsibilities:

  • Oversees the entire Athletics Department, reports to the President, and works directly with the Executive Vice President
  • Has responsibility for the strategic planning, marketing, and program development of the Athletics Department
  • Ensures full compliance with NCAA rules and University standards. The Director of Athletics develops and manages the department’s operational budget and financial affairs, as well as raises funds for the department and works with donors.
  • Ensures the academic excellence and integrity of student athletes and the effective management of athletic facilities and events
  • Directly supervises athletics staff responsible for administration, compliance, campus relations, business and operations, women’s athletics and equity, and development for athletics, as well as supervises the head men’s basketball and football coaches



The Registrar has the following class/curriculum responsibilities:

  • Furnishes class rolls to instructors
  • Receives mid-semester and semester grade reports from instructors
  • Works with Deans and Department Chairs to coordinate schedules of classes
  • Works with Deans and Department Chairs to collect information for the University Catalog