Duties of Chairs, Deans and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Communication Flow


Department Chair


  • Relays to the Dean a faculty member's written report of professional meetings attended
  • Is contacted by the faculty member who, because of illness or other reasons, is unable to meet classes
  • Grants permission to take make-up final examinations to students absent from the examination for legitimate reasons
  • Receives all proposals for curriculum revision to be relayed to the Curriculum Committee
  • Is responsible to ensure all textbook orders from the department members have been relayed to the Campus Shop Manager
  • Receives from the faculty member and relays to the Registrar any necessary change of grade to be made on the permanent record of a student
  • Receives and relays to the librarian requests for library book purchases (or may authorize librarian to accept a request from a member of his/her department)
  • Receives from the department member a statement of professional activities to be included in the Chair's annual departmental report in May

Dean of School or College


  • Grants permission for attendance at professional meetings, requested in advance, and receives a written report on such meeting
  • Receives a statement of office hours from faculty members
  • In consort with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the departments in his/her unit, the Dean will communicate with faculty and administration on matters for which the Dean is responsible.
  • Determines faculty eligibility for post-probationary faculty development support. Faculty will be identified as eligible based on satisfactory performance, as evidenced in annual evaluations (Unit IIIs) over the previous three years and indicated in post-probationary mid-point reviews (Unit Vs) completed over the past four years. Faculty may be identified as ineligible for post-probationary faculty development supports based on unsatisfactory performance, as evidenced in an annual evaluation (Unit III) over the previous three years and indicated in a post-probationary mid-point review (Unit V) completed over the past four years. Any assessment of unsatisfactory performance must be unambiguously stated in written evaluations (Unit III and V).

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Receives from the faculty member a report of an alleged honor code violation.
  • Plans and coordinates Campus Conversations through efforts by the Assistant Provost/ Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning in collaboration with the Chair of Academic Council. These monthly meetings are held September through May in each academic year. Open to faculty and administrators, sessions are intended to prompt discussion about questions and initiatives related to the academic priorities of the University, often related to teaching and the learning environment on campus. Campus Conversation meetings are generally held on Friday afternoons.
  • Receives requests for Faculty Forums. Faculty Forums provide an opportunity for faculty and staff to discuss issues of mutual interest. A forum is defined as a public meeting with free and open discussion. These meetings are scheduled as often as requested throughout the academic year.

Recruitment of Full-Time Teaching Faculty




  1. Initiates position request to Dean following departmental consultation
  2. Works with Dean and department to define position and establish criteria for the evaluation of candidates
  3. Organizes and coordinates search committee
  4. The department chair and the chair of the search committee should attend one of the available search chair training sessions offered in Human Resources (HR) or use the resources provided in HR on hiring to ensure best practices in conducting a search
  5. Organizes preliminary reference calls
  6. Consults with department about final candidates
  7. Recommends to Dean candidates to visit campus
  8. Organizes candidate visits (with search committee chair)
  9. Conducts formal interview with candidates
  10. Supervises collection of supporting documents and makes them available to members of the department
  11. Confers with department regarding candidates and recommends final candidate to Dean. If Chair’s recommendation differs from the department’s, this information is shared with the department and Dean.
  12. Coordinates letters to inform candidates of status of the search
  13. Provides support to successful candidate (information about the area, housing, book orders, etc.)



  1. Requests authorization to advertise and salary from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  2. Authorizes timetable for search and EEO strategies
  3. The dean should attend one of the available search chair training sessions offered in Human Resources or use the resources provided in HR on hiring to ensure best practices in conducting a search.
  4. Places ads within budgetary guidelines
  5. Approves candidate visits
  6. Conducts formal interview with candidates
  7. Makes reference calls for final candidates
  8. Initiates background check on final candidate through Human Resources
  9. Following consultation with Department Chair, approves final selection. This information is shared with the department.
  10. Completes negotiations and prepares contract specifications
  11. Supervises collection of documents for employee file
  12. Supervises collection of EEO-related information on applicants

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  1. Authorizes recruitment expenditures for searches
  2. Verifies information submitted by Deans for preparation of Letters of Agreement and forwards information to Human Resources

Office of Human Resources


  1. Provides guidance/training to Department Chairs, search committee chairs, and Deans on recruitment of full-time teaching faculty, to ensure search process compliance with equal opportunity employment and reasonable accommodation policies, protection of candidate privacy, and other relevant employment laws and policies
  2. Conducts background check on final candidate upon notification from Dean
  3. Receives verified information from Dean, forwarded by Provost, for preparation of Letter of Agreement

Evaluation of Full-Time Teaching Faculty




  • Receives copy of Teaching Faculty Members’ Annual Self-Review (Unit I)
  • Receives teaching evaluations for each course
  • Makes appropriate classroom visits
  • Reviews appropriate course related material (e.g., syllabi)
  • Conducts Annual Evaluation of Faculty (Unit III)
  • Makes recommendations to Dean concerning salary increases
  • Provides input to the Dean in appointment of Senior Faculty Review Committee for Continuing Track and Lecture Track probation review (when appropriate)
  • Completes Probationary Midpoint Review – Midpoint Unit III and, when appropriate, Post-Probationary Midpoint Review – Post-Probationary Unit III
  • Makes recommendations concerning promotion and tenure decisions to Dean and Promotions and Tenure Committee
  • Provides input to Dean on Midpoint and Final Probationary Reviews (called fourth year probationary review)
  • Makes recommendation to Dean concerning Continuing Track and Lecture Track final probationary status reviews (called Fourth Year Probationary Review)
  • Receives copy of Midpoint Reviews from Dean



  • Coordinates faculty evaluation process within the school or college
  • Reviews Faculty Members’ Annual Self-Reviews (Unit I)
  • Reviews content and quality of Unit III (Chair evaluations)
  • Conducts annual evaluation (Unit III) of Chairs in his or her school/college
  • Conducts Dean’s Evaluation of the Faculty (Unit V)
  • Receives syllabi for each course taught
  • Receives teaching evaluations for each course
  • Meets formally with appropriate probationary faculty members for mid-point reviews
  • Meets formally with appropriate post probationary faculty members for Long Range Professional Development Reviews
  • Writes appropriate faculty member reviews (Midpoint Reviews and Long Range Professional Development Reviews), submits to Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and sends copy to faculty member and Chair
  • Visits classroom as appropriate
  • Appoints departmental Senior Faculty Review Committee in consultation with the Department Chair
  • Recommends on probationary removal for Continuing Track and Lecture Track faculty to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Discusses status of each faculty member annually with Department Chair
  • Recommends salary increases (with justification) to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Recommends promotion and/or tenure decisions to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Meets with candidates who are not successful in the application for promotion to Senior Lecturer or Professor. After notification of Promotion and Tenure decisions, makes available to any faculty member upon request, through the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, his/her recommendations concerning the faculty member and an explanation of the basis for that recommendation. Also, makes self available upon request to any candidate to discuss the tenure and/or promotion decision concerning the faculty member.

Provost/Executive Vice President


  1. Meets with the Deans and the Promotions and Tenure Committee before deliberations concerning promotions and tenure begin to discuss policies and procedures regarding promotions and/or tenure
  2. Receives a copy of Unit I for employee files
  3. Receives a copy of Unit III for employee files
  4. Approves annual salary increases
  5. Approves continuation/termination of probationary faculty, including Continuing Track and Lecture Track four-year probation decisions
  6. Receives tenure and/or promotion recommendations from the Promotions and Tenure Committee and the appropriate Dean for each candidate applying for tenure and/or promotion
  7. Holds joint meeting of Promotions and Tenure Committee and the appropriate Dean for each candidate applying for promotion and/or tenure to discuss the substance of the deliberations that led to their specific recommendations
  8. Recommends promotion and/or tenure decisions to the President
  9. Meets with candidates who are not successful in the application for tenure to discuss the recommendations of both the Promotions and Tenure Committee and the Dean concerning the faculty member and an explanation of those recommendations. This meeting will occur within six months of the tenure decision. Makes self available to any candidate, after notification of promotion and tenure decisions, to discuss the recommendations of both the Promotion and Tenure Committee and the Dean concerning the faculty member and an explanation for those recommendations. If requested, this meeting will occur within six months of the decisions.

President of the University


The President of the University, as the chief executive officer, is delegated the authority to "... appoint or remove University administrative officials, faculty and staff..." (Trustee Bylaws, Article IX). All faculty personnel decisions, except those involving the granting of tenure or the promotion in faculty rank, are made by the President. The President recommends promotion and tenure action to the Board of Trustees.

The President prepares promotion and tenure recommendations for the spring meeting of the Board of Trustees. Presidential and/or Board of Trustees faculty personnel decisions are communicated to:

  • The individual faculty member
  • The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • The Chair of the Promotions and Tenure Committee

Development of Full-Time Teaching Faculty




  • Coordinates departmental development opportunities
  • Works with department members in establishment of annual professional development goals
  • Supports mentor program for first year faculty and attendance at new faculty functions
  • Encourages applications for research funds and release-time/sabbatical opportunities
  • Reviews and supports activities to advance teaching development
  • Advises and promotes appropriate institutional activity (e.g., committee work)
  • Reviews and signs Faculty Research and Development (FR&D) applications
  • Encourages participation at professional conferences/workshops and on-campus development opportunities



  • Confers with Chair about appropriate faculty development; confers with faculty as appropriate
  • Assures appropriate level of faculty development throughout the division
  • Authorizes reimbursement for professional conference expenses
  • Supports activities to advance teaching development
  • Reviews and signs Faculty Research and Development applications
  • Reviews and provides feedback for Post-Probationary Faculty Development applications

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Plans for institution-wide development opportunities, including participation in core curriculum programming
  • Establishes guidelines for employment and responsibilities of part-time faculty
  • Disseminates guidelines via part-time faculty orientation sessions and part-time faculty handbook
  • Prepares Letters of Agreement
  • Maintains employee files

Recruitment of Part-Time Teaching Faculty




  • Projects needs for part-time faculty and discusses with department and Dean
  • Recruits and hires part-time faculty for approved needs, with appropriate inclusion of departmental faculty input on candidate(s)
  • Provides Dean necessary hiring information
  • Supports participation of part-time faculty in selected activities (e.g., Family Weekend and part-time faculty orientation session)
  • Oversees preparation and performance of part-time faculty members and discusses with Dean
  • Provides appropriate support to part-time faculty in performance of responsibilities in line with institutional and departmental mission



  • Discusses part-time faculty needs with Chair and approves additional courses
  • Prepares information for Letter of Agreement and schedule

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Establishes guidelines for employment and responsibilities of part-time faculty
  • Disseminates guidelines via part time faculty orientation sessions and part-time faculty handbook
  • Prepares Letters of Agreement
  • Maintains employee files





  • Assembles schedule for department within institutional guidelines, consulting with department members and other departments as necessary
  • Submits schedules to Dean for review
  • Supervises departmental participation in pre-registration
  • Recommends to Dean addition or deletion of courses based on pre-registration information
  • Approves student admission to closed classes



  • Coordinates schedule to comply with institutional guidelines
  • Coordinates with Director of Core Curriculum for scheduling of Core Curriculum offerings
  • Oversees entering and correcting of scheduling information for pre-registration
  • Approves addition or deletion of courses, after consultation with Chair

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Sets institutional guidelines regarding scheduling needs, class sizes, and timelines
  • Supervises (via Registrar) registration processes
  • Supervises (via Associate Dean of Academic Support) institution-wide advising procedures





  • Oversees monthly expenditures in departmental budget
  • Consults with department about use of departmental funds
  • Authorizes specific expenditures in departmental budget
  • Prepares annual budget requests for submission to Dean



  • Oversees budgetary management
  • Authorizes expenditures according to sign-off guidelines
  • Authorizes expenditures from faculty travel budget
  • Prepares and prioritizes budget requests
  • Authorizes reimbursements to Chairs

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Prepares and prioritizes budget requests
  • Authorizes budgetary allocations
  • Oversees expenditures
  • Authorizes reimbursements to Deans

Curricular Programming, Planning and Assessment




  • Oversees overall currency and quality of department curriculum
  • Oversees the quality and effectiveness of instruction of department faculty
  • Recommends additions, deletions, and modifications of catalogued courses and changes in major and minor requirements to Dean, following consultation with the department
  • Prepares curricular materials for Curriculum Committee
  • Presents proposed changes to Curriculum Committee
  • Reviews and edits catalog descriptions
  • Works with department members to establish departmental goals and procedures for assessing goal attainment
  • Oversees procedures to assess student performance, including performance of seniors on comprehensive exams
  • Approves internships, independent studies, and independent research applications
  • Organizes co-curricular departmental programs and opportunities for students
  • Approves grade changes
  • Oversees development of departmental five-year plan and annual priorities (including learning outcomes)
  • Submits annual report to Dean (June)



  • Oversees the quality of curriculum and the effectiveness of teaching
  • Recommends changes in departmental curriculum to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Reviews departmental goals and assessment procedures
  • Coordinates interdivisional or interdisciplinary programs
  • Monitors curricular offerings for compliance with accreditation requirements
  • Reviews departmental annual reports

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Oversees long-range curricular planning
  • Establishes guidelines for curriculum development and assessment
  • Supervises periodic institution-wide assessments (e.g., accreditation)
  • Reviews changes in curriculum recommended by Chairs and Deans for submission to the University Curriculum Committee
  • Supervises annual changes in University Catalog
  • Facilitates interdisciplinary programming (e.g., Core Curriculum)

Student Concerns/Advising




  • Mediates student appeals with regard to grades or other concerns with course policies
  • Assigns faculty advisors for student majors
  • Administers procedures to assess student learning and student programmatic needs
  • Oversees graduation audit for all majors and resolves student problems regarding graduation requirements
  • Oversees quality of advising throughout department faculty
  • Promotes graduate school attendance by providing information, through departmental programs, and by supporting faculty encouragement of promising students
  • Oversees co-curricular programming (honor societies, guest speakers, etc.)
  • Works with Admissions Office, providing information on program and representing department
  • Approves any exceptions to final exam times



  • Mediates student grade appeals when Chair is professor in question or when Chair fails to reconcile conflict
  • Authorizes any recommendations from Chair concerning changes to stated graduation requirements
  • Approves any exceptions to routine student withdrawal procedures
  • Works with admissions, providing information on programs and representing the institution

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Establishes institution-wide procedures for student appeals
  • Establishes institution-wide advising policies
  • Supervises University academic honor code system

Relationship to External Communities




  • Responds to requests regarding department from external communities (local community, alumni, professional associations)
  • Conducts surveys of alumni
  • Assures departmental representation at University admissions days, Family Weekend, etc.
  • Pursues opportunities for external funding as appropriate



  • Represents institution to external communities
  • Oversees compliance with accreditation guidelines
  • Represents institution at University admissions days, Family Weekend, etc.
  • Pursues opportunities for external funding as appropriate (grants, endowments, scholarships, etc. from both private and public agencies)

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Represents institution to external communities
  • Oversees compliance with current institutional accreditation requirements (e.g., SACS)
  • Represents institution at University admissions days, Family Weekend, etc.
  • Pursues opportunities for external funding as appropriate

Appointment, Selection, and Evaluation of Administrative and Program Heads




  • Selects and evaluates any coordinators for sub-disciplines within departments
  • Appoints faculty to departmental committees, advisory groups, as advisors to honor societies, etc.



  • Recommends appointment of Chairs and cross-disciplinary Program Heads (e.g., interdisciplinary majors or minors) to Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Consults with department members regarding appointment of Department Chair
  • Evaluates Department Chairs and Program Heads
  • Appoints Department Chairs in consultation with departmental members

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


Appoints and evaluates Deans and institution-wide Program Heads

Grade Appeals




  1. Receives written appeal from the student by the deadline (end of the fourth week of the semester or by April 15th for appeal of a winter term grade). Appeal shall include the Student Grade Appeal Statement form together with copies of the course syllabus, tests, assignments and papers in the student’s possession.
  2. Notifies the professor involved, and the professor will file the Professor Grade Appeal Statement by April 22nd for winter term grade together with copies of the syllabus, assignments, and any of the student’s work that remains in the professor’s possession.
  3. Consults with related Dean or Deans
  4. Renders a decision in writing regarding the grade appeal by the end of the sixth week of the semester, or by April 29th in the appeal of a Winter Term grade.



  1. Acts as Department Chair when the student files a grade appeal, if the Chairperson is the professor involved in the appeal.
  2. Receives written appeal to Chair’s decision within one week of decision, and notify the Chair of Academic Council to form a grade appeal hearing committee.
  3. Forwards all documentation to the Chair of Academic Council

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


Normally, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs does not have a role in the grade appeal process.

Completion of Annual Evaluations and Reports




  • Each Department Chair or Program Director must complete an End-Of-Year Report detailing the unit’s progress during the previous academic year and plans for the upcoming academic year. End-Of-Year Reports are due June 15th of each year. This report should be submitted electronically to the appropriate Dean’s office and the Office of Institutional Research.
  • Each Department Chair must complete an Annual Report on Assessment Progress (ARAP) detailing the unit’s implementation and assessment of student learning outcomes for each year must be completed September 15th . This fall date allows departments to discuss outcomes and develop adjustments after the end of the academic year. This report should be submitted electronically to the appropriate Dean’s office and the Office of Institutional Research.