Student Perceptions of Teaching




In the faculty evaluation system at Elon University, teaching is of paramount importance and the undergraduate Student Perceptions of Teaching (Unit IV) is a necessary tool in assessing learning in the classes of teaching faculty and others in the University community who serve a teaching role. This component of the evaluation system is discussed below. However, reflecting the broadening scope of teaching and learning activities at the University, evaluation of faculty members’ overall teaching effectiveness should always be considered in relation to at least one other form of teaching evaluation including teaching portfolios, peer evaluations, and other devices.

Students at the graduate level complete a separate, but similar form, Student Evaluation of Graduate Courses .



The purpose of the Student Perceptions of Teaching is to assess and record the opinions of students regarding their learning experience in each course. The instrument is separated into three parts. Part one includes 13 Likert-type questions about the course and the instructor, with the option for five instructor-supplied items. Part two asks seven questions related to student effort and demographics. Part three contains two open-ended items for student response, with an optional third item for an instructor-supplied prompt. 



Unless exception is granted by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, each faculty member will gather student perceptions of teaching/learning for all class sections taught on campus during each semester/term for each academic year. Perception instruments should normally be administered to students prior to the last day of regular classes. The same, or a modified version of the student perception form, may be used for online and study abroad courses. While the Student Perceptions of Teaching is administered every semester, the purposes for which the results are used may vary, as described below.

An overview of scheduling for Student Perceptions of Teaching includes the following: 

Fall Semester Winter Term Spring
Summer Terms

For academic units
that do not require
data from all semesters
(typically Arts and Sciences)


Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty
-(Available to P&T)


Results seen by: 
-Teaching Faculty

Results seen by:

-Teaching Faculty

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Report includes:

-Course data

-Summative data

-Comparison to 

School & University

Report includes:
-Course data



Report includes:
-Course data 

-Summative data
-Comparison to 

School & University



Report includes:

-Course data


For academic units
that do require data
from all semesters
(typically Schools
for professional accreditation

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty
-(Available to P&T)

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Report includes:
-Course data
-Summative data

-Comparison to 

 School & University

Report includes:

-Course data

Report includes:
-Course data
-Summative data

-Comparison to 

School & University

Report includes:
-Course data

For part-time faculty 

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Results seen by:
-Teaching Faculty

Report includes:
-Course data
-Summative data
(when available) 

Report includes:
-Course data
-Summative data
(when available)

Report includes:
-Course data
-Summative data
(when available)

Report includes:
-Course data
-Summative data
(when available) 



The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs electronically distributes the Student Perceptions of Teaching instrument. Faculty members can request students to fill out the instrument at the time of the faculty members choosing, including class time. If faculty members choose to administer the instrument during class time, they must leave the classroom during the administration of the instrument. Faculty members will administer the instrument for each class in accordance with instructions from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The instructions include a prepared statement explaining the nature and purpose of the instrument.

Once perception instruments are completed, results will be collected by the Provost’s Office.  

Presentation of Data


Data generated by these responses generally include the following:  

  • A summary for each class for each faculty member 
  • Summative information for all classes for each faculty member 
  • Summative data for each department and the University 

Uses of the Data


Results from the perception instrument are handled differently depending on the semester/term. Data from the Student Perceptions of Teaching are to be made available to faculty members for all semesters the perception instrument is completed. These data provide information to faculty members and assist in their self-analysis of teaching effectiveness. Data from semesters other than fall, and other semesters/terms where departments, colleges, or schools require it, may be submitted by a faculty member in his/her application for tenure/promotion or other personnel decisions.  

In the fall semester, and in other semesters/terms where departments, colleges, or schools require it, results of the Student Perceptions of Teaching data are to be shared with the faculty member’s Department Chair and Dean.  

Faculty Members

Data from the Student Perceptions of Teaching are to be made available to faculty members for all semesters the perception instrument is completed. These data provide information to faculty members and assist in their self-analysis of teaching effectiveness. Data from semesters other than fall, and other semesters/terms where departments, colleges, or schools require it, may be submitted by a faculty member in his/her application for tenure/promotion or other personnel decisions. 

Chair and Dean

In the fall semester, and in other semesters/terms where departments, colleges, or schools require it, results of the Student Perceptions of Teaching data are to be shared with the faculty member’s Department Chair and Dean. 

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

In the fall semester, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will receive results of the Student Perceptions of Teaching, and these results will be included in the faculty member’s personnel file. 

Promotion and Tenure Committee and Senior Faculty Review Committee

In the fall semester, and in other semesters/terms where departments, colleges, or schools require it, these data are to be included by the faculty member into his or her personnel application materials and used for summative or evaluative purposes in decisions of tenure, promotion, and continuance.