The Faculty Personnel File


For Librarians

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs maintains a file for each librarian containing a transcript for the person’s highest academic degree and a current curriculum vitae.  Other documents, including annual evaluations, are kept by the Dean of the Carol Grotnes Belk Library.

For Teaching Faculty

The personnel file of each teaching faculty member is maintained in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The faculty personnel file is available to the following people: the individual faculty member, the Department Chair, Dean, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Promotions and Tenure Committee, Senior Faculty Review Committee, and President.

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for collecting and storing the materials that comprise the faculty personnel file. The faculty member is responsible for keeping his or her file updated. The file should be placed in proper form by September 15 of each year.

The faculty personnel file generally includes the following material:

  • Current curriculum vitae.
  • The Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review (Unit I) contains the faculty member’s account and self-assessment of activities and accomplishments during the past calendar year.
    • Normally, the annual Report for Teaching Faculty Member will be guided by the Criteria for Evaluation of Teaching Faculty. Faculty members are encouraged to be clear and concise in their self-evaluation statements, and critical self-assessment should be goal-driven and evidence-based.
    • Appropriate materials such as letters of commendation, reprints of articles, descriptions of new courses, comments from student evaluation forms, etc., may be submitted with the annual report.
    • The annual report should also present an annual plan for professional development. The plan should focus on the upcoming calendar year and relate to a long-range professional development plan, and be directly referenced when assessing progress and development.
  • The Department Chair’s Evaluation (Unit III) is kept in each department member’s personnel file. A conference with candidates who are eligible for promotion, tenure, or continuance is required. The Chair will normally observe at least one class session of first year faculty.
  • Summaries of Student Perceptions of Teaching (Unit IV) and grade distribution.
  • Other relevant materials added by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or faculty member.
  • The Dean’s evaluation of the faculty member (Unit V).