The course is an interdisciplinary study combining language, culture, society, and the environment. Course objectives include improving conversational Spanish ability, basic understanding of Costa Rica's development and current issues. Elon students will live with Costa Rican families in a suburban neighborhood and will use public buses and taxis to get around the city. Eight nights will be spent outside of the San José area near national parks. Unlike other Central American countries which experienced political turmoil in the 1980's, Costa Rica has a long-standing democratic tradition which makes it the most peaceful nation in the region. Over 60 years ago, Costa Rica abolished its army and devoted its resources to education, health care and economic development. It has since become a popular destination for ecotourism. Elon's program is based in the capital city of San José, a metropolitan area with a population of 600,000 whose inhabitants enjoy a mild climate which requires neither heating nor air conditioning.


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Acceptance into program and completion of GBL 1520 and SPN 1010 or two years of high school Spanish

Course Types

Civilization; Society; Experiential Learning Requirement; Latin America Studies Elective


Offered winter.

Previous Course Number

GBL 252


Application, acceptance and additional travel fee required. Counts as an elective for the Latin American Studies minor.

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