The Financial Times recently declared “the Asian century is about to begin.” This course will examine the validity of this statement and seek to understand how Asia has transformed itself.  This course focuses attention where the rapid rise began: the Economic Tigers of East Asia, such as: Japan, South Korea and China. We will investigate the modern-day complexities rooted in the ancient historical past in the land of the Rising Sun, while shedding a comparative light on other regional powers, such as China, and South Korea or other nations, which have been strong global players on the world stage.  In doing so, this course aims at understanding how international business and economic activity influences culture, politics, wealth, and society in this region of the world and how this will shape our shared global future.




GBL 1880

Course Types



  • Winter
  • Summer

Previous Course Number

GBL 288


While this course is interdisciplinary, it has roots in economics. We are seeking to understand causes for the rapid economic growth in East Asia, determine the impact of this growth and investigate if it will continue.

  1. o Student Learning Outcome - To Have a transformative experience culminating into a global perspective of self and appreciation of the rich diversity of culture in East Asia.
  2. o Student Learning Outcome - To introduce students to the history, culture and politics of East Asia highlighting the similarities and differences, and appreciation of diversity across the different countries
  3. o Student Learning Outcome - To interact and effectively communicate not just with each other but also in the context of traveling around, given a different cultural backdrop.

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