International Business Major through Dual Degree Tracks B.S.B.A.

Major Check Sheet

A Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree with a major in International Business through the dual degree tracks:

Completing an International Business major is also possible thorough one of Elon’s dual degree programs. These programs require two years of study at Elon and two years of study abroad, at one of the partner institutions. At the end of four years, students will be awarded two degrees, one from Elon and one from the partner. Students in the dual degree tracks must complete or place past the fourth semester of the relevant world language and meet all of the graduation requirements of both Elon and the other university, and may have to take an overload or summer courses in order to complete both sets of requirements. It takes careful planning to meet the requirements of two universities, and the requirements of the partners differ slightly.

This program is available only to students enrolled in one of the Dual Degree Programs with which Elon has a formal agreement.

Students pursuing dual degrees should contact the Director of Dual Degree Programs through the Global Education Center, the Love School of Business main office, or via email at to obtain the detailed guidance to meet the requirements of the programs.

To earn a dual degree from a partner institution, there will be additional requirements which can be met within four years of full-time study. All of the partners require an extensive internship experience while abroad.

Note that Elon degree recipients, whether they begin at Elon or in Europe, must complete the Elon Core Curriculum.

The Elon courses that will complete the major requirements, along with the semester hours earned if taken at Elon, are shown in parentheses. Because of the difference in the credit structure between the academic credit systems used by the partner universities and the USA semester hour system, a course may transfer from the partner universities for fewer or more semester hours than the Elon offering of the same course. The required courses must be completed. The total semester hour requirements for the major and the Elon Core Curriculum are waived. In all cases students must earn at least 132 total semester hours in order to complete an Elon degree.

To complete the Elon Core Curriculum, students must complete the first-year core (students beginning at partner universities do not have to complete The Global Experience course); two courses in each area of Studies in Arts & Sciences with courses in two disciplines in each category and including a literature course and a laboratory science course; three appropriate courses in Advanced Studies, including an Interdisciplinary Capstone Seminar. This seminar must be taken at Elon. There is no minimum number of hours required.

The Elon courses which will meet the major requirements are listed below in parentheses. Courses taken at partner institutions do not need to transfer as these exact courses, but must cover similar subject matter.

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in International Business requires the following requirements for students in any of the dual degree programs for which Elon has a formal agreement:

A second language. (at least to the 222-level at Elon)

Core Requirements

A course in calculus

Majors form Elon must take MTH 116 or MTH 151

An introductory course in Economics

Majors from Elon must take ECO 111

An applied statistics course

Majors from Elon must take ECO 203 or MTH 220/ STS 212

A course in Financial Accounting

Majors from Elon must take ACC 201

A course in Managerial Accounting

Majors from Elon must take ACC 212

A course in Information Technology

Majors from Elon must take CIS 211

A course in Business Communications

Majors from Elon must take BUS 202

A course, or courses, covering Ethical Environment of Business (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Business Law

Majors from Elon must take BUS 221

A course in Operations Management

Majors from Elon must take BUS 326

A course in Finance

Majors from Elon must take FIN 343

A course in Marketing

Majors from Elon must take MKT 311

A course in Management & Organizational Behavior

Majors from Elon must take MGT 323

A course in Strategy and Policy

Majors from Elon must take BUS 465

A business internship while abroad (BUS 381 or LSBD 481)

Total Core Courses at Elon: 53-56 sh

Other requirements

A course in International Economics (ECO314, 4 sh)

Four elective courses chosen from 400-level courses in ENT, FIN, MGT, MKT, or if at least 5 sh of internship are completed abroad (in the U.S. for students beginning at partner schools, and not in the U.S. for students beginning at Elon), 4 of those sh may count as one of these elective courses (16 sh).

Note that the graduation requirements of the partner institutions may constrain the choice of electives.

Proficiency in business usage in English and another modern language demonstrated by completing the equivalent of at least 16 sh of courses taught in EACH language and completing an internship in the student’s second language.

Total of Core and other requirements if taken at Elon: 73-76 sh

There is no minimum number of semester hours required for completion of this major.


Dual degree students may complete a concentration within International Business by taking three courses past the introductory level (three courses at the 400-level at Elon) in Finance, Marketing, Management, or Entrepreneurship. It is not necessary to complete a concentration to earn this degree, however.

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