Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisory Committee


Membership List Y33D.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisory Committee is concerned with all aspects of faculty/staff advisement of Greek-letter social organizations.


  • Faculty and staff members serving as the official organization advisor to a registered Greek-letter social organization
  • Director of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life, ex-officio
  • Three student representatives, one each from the Panhellenic Association, the Interfraternity Council, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council
  • A quorum includes Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, five Greek-letter organization advisors and two students.

Policies and Procedures

  • The Committee has two standing Co-Chairs, the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life (ex-officio) and a faculty advisor elected by a majority vote of the advisory committee.
  • The Co-Chairs schedule Committee meetings once a month at a time convenient to Committee members, unless Committee business necessitates more frequent meetings. The Chairs will also schedule a meeting each semester with the Residential Campus Advisory Committee to discuss their goals and activities for the semester.
  • The Chairs inform members of meetings at least one week in advance and provide a written agenda and a copy of the minutes from the previous meeting.
  • The Chairs preside at all meetings unless they appoint a proxy.
  • The Chairs appoint another Committee member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  • All decisions on Committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present.
  • The Committee Co-Chairs will submit a written annual report to the Vice President of Student Life, the Provost/Executive Vice President, and the Residential Campus Advisory Committee.


  • To make recommendations regarding policies and programs to advance faculty, academic, and core curriculum goals integration with Greek-letter social organizations
  • To assist in planning and implementing academic programs in Greek-letter social organization.
  • To set expectations for advisory support of all Greek-letter social organizations
  • To select faculty/staff advisors for relevant awards
  • To participate in strategic planning as it pertains to support of advisors of Greek-letter social organizations
  • To assist in selecting and orienting new advisors
  • To conduct institution level assessment of student learning outcomes for identified areas of Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • To advise the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life in his/her role.