Residential Living Learning Communities Advisory Council


Membership List Y28B.  

Areas of Council's Concern

The principal purpose of the Residential Living Learning Communities Advisory Council is to review, advise, and make recommendations to the Council's co-chairs on Living Learning Communities' (LLC) growth, development, and assessment.


  • Academic Affairs Designee: Director of Academic Initiatives for the Residential Campus.
  • Student Life Designees: Assistant Dean of Campus Life/Director of Residence Life and Associate Director for Residential Education.
  • All faculty members who currently serve as advisors to LLCs.
  • All staff members who currently serve as advisors to LLCs.
  • Two student currently involved in LLCs, appointed by Council co-chairs.

A quorum is six or more council members and must include the two co-chairs and two members of the teaching faculty on the Council unless otherwise specified below.

Policies and Procedures

  • The council has two standing co-chairs, the Director of Academic Initiatives for the Residential Campus and the Associate Director for Residential Education.
  • The chairs schedule council meetings at least twice per semester at a time convenient to council members, unless council business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The co-chairs when appropriate may create subcommittees of the Council. Members of any subcommittee will be nominated electronically. A simple majority of the Council is needed to have a quorum for the election of subcommittee members, with two-thirds of those voting required to carry the election of nominees.
  • The Chairs inform members of meetings at least one week in advance and provide a written agenda and a copy of the minutes of the previous meetings.
  • The Chairs preside at all meetings unless they appoint a proxy in their absence.
  • All decisions on council business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present.
  • The co-chairs of the Council will share information pertaining to the Council's goals and activities each year with the Residential Campus Advisory Committee.


  • To share information, provide feedback, and make recommendations on LLC growth and development.
  • To foster a creative vision for the LLC program.
  • To advise Student Life and Academic Affairs on promoting and improving LLCs.
  • To review and make recommendations to the Council Co-Chairs on the design, implementation, and assessment of LLC learning outcomes, LLC program goals, and proposals for new LLCs.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

In addition to sharing Council's goals and activities on an annual basis to the Residential Campus Advisory Committee, the Council co-chairs will submit a written executive summary of the Council's activities on an annual basis to the Associate Provost for Inclusive Community, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Campus Life, and the Assistant Dean of Campus Life/Director of Residence Life.