University Environmental Advisory Council


Membership List Y33K.

Areas of Committee Concern

The University Environmental Advisory Council is concerned with maintaining and improving all aspects of environmental sustainability and increasing effective environmental stewardship on campus.

Membership (Appointed By the President)

  • Senior Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology, ex-officio
  • Director of Sustainability, ex-officio
  • Education and Outreach Coordinator, ex-officio
  • Associate Vice President for Facilities Management/Director of Physical Plant, ex-officio
  • Faculty Fellow for Sustainability, ex-officio
  • Three faculty members
  • Four staff members
  • Two students
  • The University President appoints the Chair from the committee members.


  • To monitor and evaluate the University’s Environmental Sustainability Plan
  • To suggest ideas for enhancing sustainability practices on campus
  • To facilitate continued attention to effective environmental practices through lectures, extracurricular events, and advertising campaigns
  • To advise the President on University policies and practices that will increase the sustainable use of resources on campus