Appointments for Librarians


Conditions of Initial Employment


Elon librarians are hired as staff with faculty rank with accompanying privileges and responsibilities.


Librarians will hold a Masters of Library Science or Information Science degree from an American Library Association-accredited program (considered the terminal degree).


All staff with faculty rank are subject to an initial three month probationary period.

Librarians undergo an annual performance review and evaluation as required for renewal of appointment.

New librarian appointments include a probationary period of four years. During the probationary period these appointments are of a fixed term length, normally one academic year with no guarantee of reemployment.

Librarian Ranks


Most initial full time librarian appointments are made at the Assistant Librarian rank. Librarians hired with more than 10 years of professional experience in other academic libraries may be hired at Associate Librarian rank.

Librarian ranks include: Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, and Senior Librarian, as described elsewhere in this Handbook.