Appointments for Academic Associate Deans


Academic Associate Deans are appointed by the Dean of the college/school, subject to the approval of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Selection Process

The selection of an Academic Associate Dean includes the following:

  1. Communication with faculty about the process, followed by an appropriate open application period
  2. Participation of a faculty search committee
  3. Announcement of the finalists
  4. Opportunity for faculty and staff to offer feedback to the search committee on the finalists

Appointment does not confer an expectation of continuous appointment as Associate Dean.


Associate Deans of the college/schools serve and support the Dean of the college/school, carrying out specific responsibilities assigned by the Dean, as well as assuming other duties in support of academic affairs, specifically, and the University, more generally. Duties vary and range within the scope of the Dean’s responsibilities as outlined in the Faculty Handbook. Though the Associate Deans may be called upon to assist their Dean in personnel matters, decisions concerning faculty evaluation with regard to raises, promotions, and tenure, rest solely with the Dean.

Appointment Conditions

Academic Associate Deans normally teach two courses (8 shs) per academic year; are evaluated as teaching faculty and, like Department Chairs, have their Unit IIIs completed by the Dean of their college/school. Academic Associate Deans remain eligible for promotion in rank.

Faculty Development

Academic Associate Deans continue to be eligible for teaching faculty professional development supports, excluding reassigned-times distributed either through departments or FR&D, summer fellowships, and year-long sabbatical options.