Appointments to Faculty Rank for Staff and Administrative Staff


At Elon University, people holding administrative or academic support positions are appointed to faculty rank on the basis of three criteria, described below. Generally, those appointed to faculty rank should meet all three criteria.

Pertinent Professional Qualification

Individuals considered for faculty rank must hold professional degrees from accredited colleges or universities. These degrees are to be appropriate to a field of academic specialization or to a position of program leadership. Normally, these degrees should be at the master’s degree level or above.

Relationship to the Educational Mission of the University

Candidates for faculty rank must occupy positions that are central to the broader educational goals of the University as reflected in the institutional Mission Statement. This connection should be made clear as grounds for the appointment.

Level of Supervisory Responsibility

Normally, those appointed to faculty rank should have clear supervisory status, understood as educational leadership of other faculty or staff with faculty rank. In general, faculty status is appropriate only for those who hold key positions of academic program leadership or coordination.

Letters of Agreement for administrative staff and staff with faculty rank are mailed on or before April 15 to be returned no later than April 30. Letters not accepted within this period and other letters not signed and returned by April 30 are void and the position is considered vacant.