Section 2. Officers of Academic Council


The members will elect annually a Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect will serve one year in that role and then assume the duties of chair in the following year. In the third year he/she will serve as Past-Chair.

Duties of the Chair - Elect

  • Serves in the place of the Chair in his/her absence
  • Serves on the Academic Council Chair Advisory Committee
  • When possible, attends meetings between the Chair and the President and/or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Acts as a liaison between Academic Council and the Standing Committees of the Faculty
  • Serves as recorder at the teaching faculty Town Hall Faculty Forums

Duties of the Chair

  • Serves as Chair of the Academic Council Chair Advisory Committee
  • Meets regularly with the Provost’s Advisory Council and the Academic Affairs Advisory Council
  • Works with the President in planning the agenda for the Full Faculty Meetings. Assembles the agenda for and presides over the Academic Council portion of the Faculty Meetings and the Academic Council Faculty Forums
  • Assembles the agenda for and presides over the regular meetings of Academic Council. In consultation with the administration, the Chair will designate on each item on the agenda the capacity in which Academic Council will serve on that item: Make a decision, make a formal recommendation, advise, or receive a report.
  • Acts as a liaison between the administration and the teaching faculty and academic support staff with faculty rank in meetings with the President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Duties of the Past-Chair

  • Serves on the Academic Council Chair Advisory Committee in an advisory role
  • In the eventuality that the Past-Chair is not a member of Academic Council, he/she will not attend the regular meetings of the Academic Council.

Academic Council Chair Advisory Committee

Academic Council will have an Academic Council Chair Advisory Committee consisting of:

  • Chair of Academic Council who will serve as Chair of the Advisory Committee
  • Chair-Elect of Academic Council
  • Past-Chair of Academic Council
  • Chair of the University Curriculum Committee

The Academic Council Chair Advisory Committee will advise the Academic Council Chair in her or his duties and will act as a bridge between Academic Council and the University Curriculum Committee.